Direct nonresident trademark applications

735 (number) in 2018

Antigua and Barbuda direct nonresident trademark applications was at level of 735 in 2018, down from 810 previous year, this is a change of 9.26%.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.

Trademark applications filed are applications to register a trademark with a national or regional Intellectual Property (IP) office. Direct nonresident trademark applications are those filed by applicants from abroad directly at a given national IP office.

Date Value Change, %
2018 735 -9.26%
2017 810 -2.99%
2016 835 -3.47%
2015 865 12.34%
2014 770 1.99%
2013 755 -6.33%
2012 806 -0.98%
2011 814