- President:Ram Chandra Poudel
- Vice President:Ram Sahaya Yadav
Capital city:Kathmandu
Languages:Nepali (official) 44.6%, Maithali 11.7%, Bhojpuri 6%, Tharu 5.8%, Tamang 5.1%, Newar 3.2%, Magar 3%, Bajjika 3%, Urdu 2.6%, Avadhi 1.9%, Limbu 1.3%, Gurung 1.2%, other 10.4%, unspecified 0.2%
note: 123 languages reported as mother tongue in 2011 national census; many in government and business also speak English (2011 est.)
National statistics office
Population, persons:29,673,950 (2024)
Area, sq km:143,350
GDP per capita, US$:1,378 (2023)
GDP, billion current US$:40.9 (2023)
GINI index:30.0 (2022)
Ease of Doing Business rank:94
Crime Statistics
Homicide by Firearms
Burglary, Car Theft and Housebreaking
Assaults, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sexual Rape