
  • President:Bernardo Arévalo
  • Vice President:Karin Herrera
  • Capital city:Guatemala City
  • Languages:Spanish (official) 60%, Amerindian languages 40% note: there are 23 officially recognized Amerindian languages, including Quiche, Cakchiquel, Kekchi, Mam, Garifuna, and Xinca
  • Government
  • National statistics office:No data
  • Population, persons:18,218,938 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:107,160
  • GDP per capita, US$:5,798 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:102.1 (2023)
  • GINI index:48.3 (2014)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:96