United Kingdom

  • Monarch:Charles III
  • Prime Minister:Keir Starmer
  • Capital city:London
  • Languages:English note: the following are recognized regional languages: Scots (about 30% of the population of Scotland), Scottish Gaelic (about 60,000 in Scotland), Welsh (about 20% of the population of Wales), Irish (about 10% of the population of Northern Ireland), Cornish (some 2,000 to 3,000 in Cornwall) (2012 est.)
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:67,850,038 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:241,930
  • GDP per capita, US$:48,867 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:3,340.0 (2023)
  • GINI index:32.4 (2021)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:8

All datasets: C D E L M N P R S
  • C
    • January 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 August, 2024
      Select Dataset
      This dataset contains key internationally comparable indicators on children’s well being outcomes, a range of additional context indicators on important drivers of child well being, and child relevant public policies. The dataset is built using the latest available data from OECD databases and a range of leading international child surveys and data collection programmes. Indicators are selected based on a multi-dimensional and forward looking approach to child well-being, centred on the idea that children should be able to both enjoy a “good” positive childhood in the here and now, and have the opportunity to develop skills and abilities that set them up well for the future. While the data look to cover the well-being of children of all ages, limitations in data availability mean that most indicators focus on those in middle childhood and adolescence. This dataset represents a selection of headline indicators from the OECD Child Well-being Data Portal, a tool for policy makers and the public to monitor countries’ efforts to promote child well being. It is built on the OECD's Child Well-being Measurement Framework as set out in the OECD's 2021 report Measuring What Matters for Child Well-being and Policies.
  • D
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • E
  • L
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • M
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • N
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • P
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. As from 2011, the AES is underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2011 AES was carried out in 2011/12 and the 2016 AES in 2016/2017. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • R
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
  • S
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview. The following information is available from the AES:Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning (respectively labelled FED, NFE and INF)Volume of instruction hoursCharacteristics of the learning activitiesReasons for participatingObstacles to participationAccess to information on learning possibilitiesEmployer financing and costs of learningSelf-reported language skills Three waves of the survey have been implemented so far (2007 AES, 2011 AES and 2016 AES). The first AES – referred to as 2007 AES – was a pilot exercise and carried out on a voluntary basis in 29 countries in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and candidate countries between 2005 and 2008. The 2011 AES was underpinned by a European legal act and thus carried out in all Member States on a mandatory basis. The 2016 AES was carried out in 2016/2017 and the dissemination of results is ongoing with the available countries. Comparable data for the three waves can be found in the following folders:Participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m0)Participation in informal learning (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m4)Access to information on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m1)Time spent on education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m2)           Obstacles to participation in education and training (last 12 months) (trng_aes_12m3)Self-reported language skills (educ_lang_00)