West Midlands

  • Area, sq km:12,998 (2016)
  • Population, persons:5,907,872 (2019)
  • Popilation density, persons per sq km:455 (2019)
  • Capital City:Birmingham
  • Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:Boris Johnson
  • Name of Local Authority Leaders' Board:West Midlands
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Total GVA, £ million:141,405 (2018)
  • Median gross weekly earnings, £:620.2 (2020)
  • Employment rate, %:59.3 (2019)
  • Unemployment rate, %:4.5 (2019)
  • Average weekly household expenditure, £:486.1 (2018)
  • Recorded crime offences per 1,000 population:76.1 (2020)

All datasets: A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T W Y
  • A
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hsw_ij_nuse An ad hoc module on "Work-related health problems and accidental injuries" was included in the 1999 Labour Force Survey (LFS), in order to act as a complementary data source to ESAW (European Statistics on accidents at Work) and EODS (European Occupational Diseases Statistics) and give a broader view on Health and Safety at Work.. This module provided complementary information on accidents occurring at work and resulting in less than 4 days' absence from work, on return to work after the accident at work and on health problems caused or made worse by work. The data refer to self-reported accidental injuries at work during a 12 month period before the survey and to self-reported non-accidental health problems caused or made worse by work and from which the respondent had suffered during a 12 month period before the survey. The indicators used for accidental injuries are the percentage distributions of accidents and the relative incidence rate of accidents (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The incidence rate is the number of accidents at work per 100 000 employed workers. The indicators used for non-accidental health problems are the percentage distribution, number, prevalence rate and relative prevalence rate of health problems (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The prevalence rate is the number of people suffering from the health problem during the last 12 months per 100 000 employed workers (see the link to summary methodology at the bottom of the page). Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. Similarly, the prevalence rates for non-accidental health problems are standardised for economic activity and for age, as age influences importantly the prevalence of health problems. For more details, please see the link to the summary methodology at the bottom of the page. Geographical coverage: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom. Sector coverage: All sectors of economic activity are covered. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence and prevalence rates are calculated for the total of all branches.
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 August, 2024
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      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected  on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size  of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 20.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • June 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 June, 2024
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      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 18.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 16 August, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected  on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size  of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 20.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 16 August, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected  on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size  of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 20.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 16 August, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected  on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size  of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 20.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 October, 2023
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 18.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 October, 2023
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 18.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 October, 2023
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 18.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 October, 2023
      Select Dataset
      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected on accidents at work include: Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc. Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 18.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
  • B
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
  • C
    • December 2018
      Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 January, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data cited: Global Burden of Disease Collaborative Network. Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived with Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years 1990-2016. Seattle, United States: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), 2018.   The Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for 195 countries and territories and at the subnational level for a subset of countries. Estimates for deaths, disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), prevalence, and incidence for 29 cancer groups by age and sex for 1990-2016 are available from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record are the web tables published in JAMA Oncology in June 2018 in "Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2016."
    • April 2020
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 April, 2020
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 April, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 October, 2023
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 April, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • April 2020
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 April, 2020
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 June, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 04 June, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 04 June, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • April 2020
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 April, 2020
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 April, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 April, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 04 June, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 April, 2019
      Select Dataset
      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • March 2020
      Source: Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 April, 2020
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      Number of lone parents and couple parents living in working households. Number of parents living in working households by region, industry, occupation, sector, working pattern and age of youngest child.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • July 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 July, 2021
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      Hospital beds provide information on health care capacities, i.e. on the maximum number of patients who can be treated by hospitals. Curative care (or acute care) beds in hospitals are beds that are available for curative care. These beds are a subgroup of total hospital beds which are defined as all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients; both occupied and unoccupied beds are covered. Hospitals are defined according to the classification of health care providers of the System of Health Accounts (SHA); all public and private hospitals should be covered.
    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 June, 2023
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    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 June, 2023
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    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 June, 2023
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    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 June, 2023
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  • D
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 April, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 April, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations:General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave). Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services:Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave). Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants:Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave). Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 April, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 April, 2024
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      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to accidents refer to all kind of accident (transport, drowning, fire, ...).
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 April, 2024
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      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to cancer refer to all death caused by a malignant neoplasm."
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 April, 2024
      Select Dataset
      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to ischaemic heart diseases refer to all death caused by reduced blood supply to the heart. Most of these deaths are due to 'heart attack'.
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 April, 2024
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      Causes of Death data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Death due to transport accidents refer to all kind of transport (road: car, pedestrian, cyclist, ..; water; air; ...).
    • December 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 21 December, 2022
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      Data on dentists should refer to those “immediately serving patients”, i.e. dentists who have direct contact with patients as consumers of health care services. In the context of comparing health care services across Member States, Eurostat considers that this is the concept which best describes the availability of health care resources. However, Member States use different concepts when they report the number of health care professionals. Therefore for some countries the data might refer to dentists ‘licensed to practice’ (i.e. successfully graduated dentists irrespective whether they see patients or not) or they might include dentists who work in their profession but do not see patients (i.e. they work in research, administration etc.). Please have a look in the annexes of the metadata to see for which concept these data refer to for each country.
    • April 2020
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 April, 2020
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      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 July, 2022
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    • December 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 December, 2021
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • August 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 August, 2022
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    • August 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 August, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • September 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 September, 2022
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    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 November, 2021
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    • September 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 September, 2022
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  • E
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
  • F
    • March 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 27 March, 2024
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    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 10 July, 2024
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      Not applicable
    • May 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 May, 2024
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      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 October, 2023
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      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 April, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 April, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 April, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
  • G
    • September 2017
      Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 27 October, 2017
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      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (GBD 2015), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors at the global, regional, national, territorial, and, for a subset of countries, subnational level. This dataset measures progress towards the Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG 5) target of a 75% reduction in the maternal mortality ratio between 1990 and 2015. Maternal mortality ratio estimates for 21 regions, 195 countries and territories and 4 United Kingdom subnational units for 1990-2015 (quinquennial) are available by age and cause from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record include tables published in The Lancet in October 2016 in "Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 24 July, 2024
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      These indicators present total expenditure of general government devoted to three different socio-economic functions (according to the Classification of the Functions of Government - COFOG), expressed as a ratio to GDP. The COFOG divisions covered are 'health', 'education' and 'social protection'.
  • H
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • September 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 21 September, 2024
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      Health care expenditure quantifies the economic resources dedicated to health functions, excluding capital investment. Healthcare expenditure concerns itself primarily with healthcare goods and services that are consumed by resident units, irrespective of where that consumption takes place (it may be in the rest of the world) or who is paying for it. As such, exports of healthcare goods and services (to non-resident units) are excluded, whereas imports of healthcare goods and services for final use are included. Health care expenditure data provide information on expenditure in the functionally defined area of health distinct by provider category (e.g. hospitals, general practitioners), function category (e.g. services of curative care, rehabilitative care, clinical laboratory, patient transport, prescribed medicines) and financing scheme (e.g. social security, private insurance company, household).
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • December 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 21 December, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
      Select Dataset
      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • December 2018
      Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 December, 2018
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      Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) Healthcare Access and Quality Index Based on Amenable Mortality 1990–2016. Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 (GBD 2016) estimates were used in an analysis of personal healthcare access and quality for 195 countries and territories, as well as selected subnational locations, over time. This dataset includes the following global, regional, national, and selected subnational estimates for 1990-2016: age-standardized risk-standardized death rates from 24 non-cancer causes considered amenable to healthcare; age-standardized mortality-to-incidence ratios for 8 cancers considered amenable to healthcare; and the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index and individual scores for each of the 32 causes on a scale of 0 to 100. Code used to produce the estimates is also included. Results were published in The Lancet in May 2018 in "Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
    • March 2018
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 March, 2018
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      We know people are living longer. However, do we live longer and better or do we gain only years of life in bad health? The indicator of healthy life years (HLY) measures the number of remaining years that a person of specific age is expected to live without any severe or moderate health problems. The notion of health problem for Eurostat's HLY is reflecting a disability dimension and is based on a self-perceived question which aims to measure the extent of any limitations, for at least six months, because of a health problem that may have affected respondents as regards activities they usually do (the so-called GALI - Global Activity Limitation Instrument foreseen in the annual EU-SILC survey). The indicator is therefor also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE). So, HLY is a composite indicator that combines mortality data with health status data. HLY also monitor health as a productive or economic factor. An increase in healthy life years is one of the main goals for European health policy. And it would not only improve the situation of individuals but also result in lower levels of public health care expenditure. If healthy life years are increasing more rapidly than life expectancy, it means that people are living more years in better health. Please note that a revision took place in March 2012: the whole series 2004-2010 were recalculated taking into account:the use of the age at interview for the GALI prevalences instead of the age of the income period (as it is traditionally done for many income and living indicators); differences with the previous calculations on outcomes and trends are minimalthe latest versions of the EU-SILC and Mortality data
    • April 2018
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 April, 2018
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      The indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY) at birth measures the number of years that a person at birth is still expected to live in a healthy condition. HLY is a health expectancy indicator which combines information on mortality and morbidity. The data required are the age-specific prevalence (proportions) of the population in healthy and unhealthy conditions and age-specific mortality information. A healthy condition is defined by the absence of limitations in functioning/disability. The indicator is calculated separately for males and females. The indicator is also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE). Life expectancy at birth is defined as the mean number of years still to be lived by a person at birth, if subjected throughout the rest of his or her life to the current mortality conditions.
    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 June, 2023
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      Healthy life years (HLY) at 65 is a composite indicator that measures the number of remaining years that a person aged 65 is expected to live in a healthy condition. It is calculated separately for women and men by combining mortality data from Eurostat's demographic database with data on self-perceived activity limitations from the European Statistics of Income and Living Condition survey. A healthy conditions is defined by the absence of longstanding severe or moderate limitations in usual activities because of a health problem. Longstanding refers to a period of more than 6 months.
    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 June, 2023
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      Healthy life years (HLY) at 65 is a composite indicator that measures the number of remaining years that a person aged 65 is expected to live in a healthy condition. It is calculated separately for women and men by combining mortality data from Eurostat's demographic database with data on self-perceived activity limitations from the European Statistics of Income and Living Condition survey. A healthy conditions is defined by the absence of longstanding severe or moderate limitations in usual activities because of a health problem. Longstanding refers to a period of more than 6 months.
    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 June, 2023
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      The indicator Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 measures the number of years that a person at age 65 is still expected to live in a healthy condition. HLY is a health expectancy indicator which combines information on mortality and morbidity. The data required are the age-specific prevalence (proportions) of the population in healthy and unhealthy conditions and age-specific mortality information. A healthy condition is defined by the absence of limitations in functioning/disability. The indicator is calculated separately for males and females. The indicator is also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE).
    • June 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 June, 2023
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      We know people are living longer. However, do we live longer and better or do we gain only years of life in bad health? The indicator of healthy life years (HLY) measures the number of remaining years that a person of specific age is expected to live without any severe or moderate health problems. The notion of health problem for Eurostat's HLY is reflecting a disability dimension and is based on a self-perceived question which aims to measure the extent of any limitations, for at least six months, because of a health problem that may have affected respondents as regards activities they usually do (the so-called GALI - Global Activity Limitation Instrument foreseen in the annual EU-SILC survey). The indicator is therefor also called disability-free life expectancy (DFLE). So, HLY is a composite indicator that combines mortality data with health status data. HLY also monitor health as a productive or economic factor. An increase in healthy life years is one of the main goals for European health policy. And it would not only improve the situation of individuals but also result in lower levels of public health care expenditure. If healthy life years are increasing more rapidly than life expectancy, it means that people are living more years in better health. Please note that a revision took place in March 2012: the whole series 2004-2010 were recalculated taking into account: the use of the age at interview for the GALI prevalences instead of the age of the income period (as it is traditionally done for many income and living indicators); differences with the previous calculations on outcomes and trends are minimalthe latest versions of the EU-SILC and Mortality data
    • May 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 03 June, 2024
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      Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer price inflation. HICPs are used for the assessment of the inflation convergence criterion as required under Article 121 of the Treaty of Amsterdam and by the ECB for assessing price stability for monetary policy purposes. The ECB defines price stability on the basis of the annual rate of change of the euro area HICP. HICPs are compiled on the basis of harmonised standards, binding for all Member States. Conceptually, the HICP are Laspeyres-type price indices and are computed as annual chain-indices allowing for weights changing each year. The common classification for Harmonized Indices of Consumer Prices is the COICOP (Classification Of Individual COnsumption by Purpose). A version of this classification (COICOP/HICP) has been specially adapted for the HICP. Sub-indices published by Eurostat are based on this classification. HICP are produced and published using a common index reference period (2015 = 100). Growth rates are calculated from published index levels. Indexes, as well as both growth rates with respect to the previous month (M/M-1) and with respect to the corresponding month of the previous year (M/M-12) are neither calendar nor seasonally adjusted.
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 August, 2024
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • December 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 21 December, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • July 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 July, 2021
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
  • I
    • June 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 19 June, 2024
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      Health-related information: injury, disease, nutrition, improving health, etc. Within the last three months before the survey.
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 05 August, 2024
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      Eurostat statistics on mortality are based on the annual demographic data collection in the field of demography carried out by Eurostat. The completeness of information depends on the availability of data reported by the National Statistical Institutes. The first demographic data collection of each year (T), named Rapid, is carried out in April-May (deadline 15 May of year T); during this data collection the first results on the main demographic developments in the previous year (T-1) and the population on 1 January of the current year (T) are collected from the National Statistical Institutes. The Joint demographic data collection is carried out in cooperation with United Nation Statistical Division (UNSD) in the summer of each year, having the deadline 15 September. During this data collection Eurostat collects from the National Statistical Institutes detailed data by sex, age and other characteristics for the demographic events (births, deaths, marriages and divorces) of the previous year and the population on 1 January of the current and previous years. The Nowcast demographic data collection is carried out in October-November (deadline 15 November of year T). The monthly time series on births, deaths, immigrants and emigrants available from the beginning of current year (T) are collected, with the purpose of producing a forecast on 1 January population of the following year (T+1). More specifically, during year T the following data are collected and disseminated on mortality field: - Total number of deaths in year (T-1) - Infant mortality by age and sex (T-1) - Late foetal deaths by mother's age (T-1) - Deaths by age, year of birth and sex (T-1) - Deaths by age, sex and educational attainment (ISCED 1997) - Deaths by month, year (T) and (T-1) Based on these information, Eurostat currently computes and disseminates the following mortality indicators: - Crude death rate - Infant mortality rate - Neonatal mortality rate - Early neonatal mortality rate - Late foetal mortality rate - Perinatal mortality rate - Life table - Life expectancy by age and sex - Life expectancy by age, sex and educational attainment (ISCED 1997)  The most recent (aggregated) data on the number of deaths can be found under the Main demographic indicators. This includes also the most recent Eurostat now casts on the main demographic indicators (population, births, deaths and net migration including statistical adjustment). In principle, the table containing the main demographic indicators is updated three times per year, after each of the national data collections. Detailed information on mortality (by age, sex, etc.) can be found under the section Mortality (demo_mor). These disaggregated information are updated towards the end of each year based on information collected during the Joint data collection. Moreover, any update sent by the countries in-between data collections are validated, processed and uploaded into Eurostat's demographic database and in Eurostat's free dissemination online database as soon as possible. The geographical aggregates are recalculated accordingly. The data transmitted by the National Statistical Institutes are validated by Eurostat, processed and uploaded into Eurostat's Demographic Database and in Eurostat's free dissemination online database. The data are also disseminated in several thematic and horizontal Eurostat's publications. Data are presented at national level and for aggregates of countries. For EU and Euro Area, only the current and the previous geographical status are published. The currently disseminated geographical aggregates are: EU-27, EU-25, EA-16, and EA-15. Moreover, data is disseminated for the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
    • March 2013
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 31 May, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_050 The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among MS the health status, lifestyle (health determinants) and health care services use of the EU citizens. The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) was developed between 2003 and 2006, during a process in which all the EU Member States (MS) were largely involved. It consists of four modules on health status, health care, health determinants, and background variables. Those modules may be implemented at the national level either as one specific survey or as elements of existing surveys (i.e. national health interview survey, labour force survey, other household surveys). The final version of the questionnaire for the first wave of EHIS was adopted by the MS at the Working Group on Public Health Statistics in November 2006. The survey contained around 130 questions split among the four modules covering the following topics: Background variables on demography and socio-economic status Health status:Minimum European Health Module (MEHM): self-perceived health, chronic health problems and activity limitationDisease specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesWork-related health problemsHealth related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsActivities of daily living (ADL - feeding, bathing, etc.) and help receivedInstrumental activities of daily living (IADL - preparing meals, shopping, etc.) and help receivedPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being)   Health care:Hospitalisation (inpatient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsUnmet needs for hospitalization and for consultation with a specialistVisits to specific non-medical health professionalsVisits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitionersUse of home care and home help servicesSatisfaction with services provided by health care providersUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Health care preventive actions (influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test, blood tests, etc.)Out-of-pocket payments for medical care (self-completion form)   Health determinants:Height and weightPhysical activityConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceEnvironnent (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure, social support)Smoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smoke (self-completion form)Alcohol consumption (self-completion form)Illicit drug use (self-completion form).   The first wave of the EHIS was implemented during the period 2006-2009 under a gentlemen's agreement. Nineteen countries have carried out it:2006: AT, EE2007: SI, CH2008: BE, BG, CZ, CY, FR, LV, MT, RO, TR2009: DE, EL, ES, HU, PL, SK.   Germany provided aggregated data and for breakdowns with a strata size less than 20, the values were marked as confidential (flag ~c). No data have been received for Switzerland. In total, 26 indicators based on DG SANCO and DG EMPL needs and covering health status, health determinants and health care are disseminated on Eurostat website. For more information on indicators see document EHIS indicators guidelines.   The indicators present distribution percentages and are calculated with different breakdown according to the indicator:sex, age group (10-years intervals, 15 – 24, 25 – 34, …, 75 – 84, 85 or over) and educational attainment levels (ISCED0-2, ISCED3-4, ISCED5-6);sex, age group (18-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75 or over) and income quintiles.   For example: 4.5 % of Latvian women aged 25-34 are obese (BMI is equal or greater than 30). Records with missing values on age and sex were excluded from the calculation of indicators.   Most of the indicators are worked out for the population aged 15 or over. Nevertheless, for some specific indicators, frequencies are calculated on different populations:the Body Mass Index (BMI) (tables hlth_ehis_de1 and hlth_ehis_de2) is calculated for adults only (18+);the self-reported prevalence of high blood pressure (table hlth_ehis_st1) is computed for people aged 25+;the self-reported vaccination against influenza (table hlth_ehis_hc1) is computed for people aged 65+;the self-reported breast examination by X-ray (table hlth_ehis_hc2) is computed for women aged 50-69;the self-reported cervical smear test (table hlth_ehis_hc3) is computed for women aged 20-69;the self-reported colorectal cancer screening test (table hlth_ehis_hc4) is computed for people aged 50-74.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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  • L
    • December 2017
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 19 December, 2017
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      Eurostat statistics on mortality are based on the annual demographic data collection in the field of demography carried out by Eurostat. The completeness of information depends on the availability of data reported by the National Statistical Institutes. The first demographic data collection of each year (T), named Rapid, is carried out in April-May (deadline 15 May of year T); during this data collection the first results on the main demographic developments in the previous year (T-1) and the population on 1 January of the current year (T) are collected from the National Statistical Institutes. The Joint demographic data collection is carried out in cooperation with United Nation Statistical Division (UNSD) in the summer of each year, having the deadline 15 September. During this data collection Eurostat collects from the National Statistical Institutes detailed data by sex, age and other characteristics for the demographic events (births, deaths, marriages and divorces) of the previous year and the population on 1 January of the current and previous years. The Nowcast demographic data collection is carried out in October-November (deadline 15 November of year T). The monthly time series on births, deaths, immigrants and emigrants available from the beginning of current year (T) are collected, with the purpose of producing a forecast on 1 January population of the following year (T+1). More specifically, during year T the following data are collected and disseminated on mortality field: - Total number of deaths in year (T-1) - Infant mortality by age and sex (T-1) - Late foetal deaths by mother's age (T-1) - Deaths by age, year of birth and sex (T-1) - Deaths by age, sex and educational attainment (ISCED 1997) - Deaths by month, year (T) and (T-1) Based on these information, Eurostat currently computes and disseminates the following mortality indicators: - Crude death rate - Infant mortality rate - Neonatal mortality rate - Early neonatal mortality rate - Late foetal mortality rate - Perinatal mortality rate - Life table - Life expectancy by age and sex - Life expectancy by age, sex and educational attainment (ISCED 1997)  The most recent (aggregated) data on the number of deaths can be found under the Main demographic indicators. This includes also the most recent Eurostat now casts on the main demographic indicators (population, births, deaths and net migration including statistical adjustment). In principle, the table containing the main demographic indicators is updated three times per year, after each of the national data collections. Detailed information on mortality (by age, sex, etc.) can be found under the section Mortality (demo_mor). These disaggregated information are updated towards the end of each year based on information collected during the Joint data collection. Moreover, any update sent by the countries in-between data collections are validated, processed and uploaded into Eurostat's demographic database and in Eurostat's free dissemination online database as soon as possible. The geographical aggregates are recalculated accordingly. The data transmitted by the National Statistical Institutes are validated by Eurostat, processed and uploaded into Eurostat's Demographic Database and in Eurostat's free dissemination online database. The data are also disseminated in several thematic and horizontal Eurostat's publications. Data are presented at national level and for aggregates of countries. For EU and Euro Area, only the current and the previous geographical status are published. The currently disseminated geographical aggregates are: EU-27, EU-25, EA-16, and EA-15. Moreover, data is disseminated for the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
    • September 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 06 September, 2024
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  • M
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
  • N
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 July, 2022
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    • May 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 13 May, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 July, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 July, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • January 2018
      Source: National Health Service, England
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      Accessed On: 10 August, 2018
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      NHS England leads the National Health Service (NHS) in England. The NHS set the priorities, direction, encourage and inform the national debate to improve health and care in England. NHS England shares out more than £100 billion in funds and holds organisations to account for spending this money effectively for patients and efficiently for the tax payer.
    • April 2018
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 11 April, 2018
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      Harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the administrative data collection 'European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW)', on the basis of a methodology developed first in 1990. An accident at work is defined as 'a discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm'. The data include only fatal and non-fatal accidents involving more than 3 calendar days of absence from work. If the accident does not lead to the death of the victim it is called a 'non-fatal' (or 'serious') accident. A fatal accident at work is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The variables collected  on accidents at work include:Economic activity of the employer and size of the enterpriseEmployment status, occupation, age, sex and nationality of victimGeographical location, date and time of the accidentType of injury, body part injured and the severity of the accident (number of full calendar days during which the victim is unfit for work excluding the day of the accident, permanent incapacity or death within one year of the accident).Variables on causes and circumstances of the accident: workstation, working environment, working process, specific physical activity, material agent of the specific physical activity, deviation and material agent of deviation, contact - mode of injury and material agent of contact - mode of injury. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the accident insurance of the national social security system, a private insurance for accidents at work or to other relevant national authorities (labour inspection etc.). As an exception, accident data for the Netherlands are based on survey data. On the Eurostat website, ESAW data are disseminated in two sections: 'Main Indicators' and 'Details by economic sector (NACE Rev2, 2008 onwards)'. Depending on the table, data are broken down by: economic activity (NACE 'main sectors' (1 digit code) or more detailed NACE divisions (2 digit codes)); the occupation of the victim (ISCO-08 code); country; severity of the accident, sex, age, employment status, size  of the enterprise, body part injured and type of injury. The data is presented in form of numbers, percentages, incidence rates and standardised incidence rates of non-fatal and fatal accidents at work, either for EU aggregates, countries or certain breakdowns by dimensions such as age, sex etc.Numbers correspond to a simple count of all non-fatal and fatal accidents for the entirety or certain breakdowns of the data;Percentages represent shares of breakdowns;The incidence rate of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work is the number of serious or fatal accidents per 100,000 persons in employment;The standardised incidence rates of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work aim to eliminate differences in the structures of countries' economies (see section 20.6 Adjustment for more details). The incidence rate indicates the relative importance of non-fatal or fatal accidents at work in the working population. For both types of accidents at work the numerator is the number of accidents that occurred during the year. The denominator is the reference population (i.e. the number of persons in employment) expressed in 100,000 persons. The reference population (or number of persons in employment) related to the national ESAW reporting system is provided by the Member States, either from administrative sources related to accidents at work or from the EU Labour Force Survey (LFS).
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hsw_hp_disnu An ad hoc module on "Work-related health problems and accidental injuries" was included in the 1999 Labour Force Survey (LFS), in order to act as a complementary data source to ESAW (European Statistics on accidents at Work) and EODS (European Occupational Diseases Statistics) and give a broader view on Health and Safety at Work.. This module provided complementary information on accidents occurring at work and resulting in less than 4 days' absence from work, on return to work after the accident at work and on health problems caused or made worse by work. The data refer to self-reported accidental injuries at work during a 12 month period before the survey and to self-reported non-accidental health problems caused or made worse by work and from which the respondent had suffered during a 12 month period before the survey. The indicators used for accidental injuries are the percentage distributions of accidents and the relative incidence rate of accidents (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The incidence rate is the number of accidents at work per 100 000 employed workers. The indicators used for non-accidental health problems are the percentage distribution, number, prevalence rate and relative prevalence rate of health problems (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The prevalence rate is the number of people suffering from the health problem during the last 12 months per 100 000 employed workers (see the link to summary methodology at the bottom of the page). Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. Similarly, the prevalence rates for non-accidental health problems are standardised for economic activity and for age, as age influences importantly the prevalence of health problems. For more details, please see the link to the summary methodology at the bottom of the page. Geographical coverage: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom. Sector coverage: All sectors of economic activity are covered. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence and prevalence rates are calculated for the total of all branches.
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
  • O
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 24 August, 2024
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      The indicator measures the share of obese people based on their body mass index (BMI). BMI is defined as the weight in kilos divided by the square of the height in meters. People aged 18 years or over are considered obese with a BMI equal or greater than 30. Other categories are: underweight (BMI less than 18.5), normal weight (BMI between 18.5 and less than 25), and pre-obese (BMI between 25 and less than 30). The category overweight (BMI equal or greater than 25) combines the two categories pre-obese and obese.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
  • P
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • April 2018
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 11 April, 2018
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      This indicator is defined as the share of the population aged 16 and over reporting a long-standing (chronic) illness or health problem. Note on the interpretation: The indicator is derived from self-reported data so it is, to a certain extent, affected by respondents’ subjective perception as well as by their social and cultural background. Another factor playing a role is the different organisation of health care services, be that nationally or locally. All these factors should be taken into account when analysing the data and interpreting the results.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
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    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 03 August, 2024
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • March 2018
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 17 March, 2018
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      Fatalities caused by road accidents include drivers and passengers of motorised vehicles and pedal cycles as well as pedestrians, killed within 30 days from the day of the accident. For Member States not using this definition, corrective factors were applied. The data come from the CARE database managed by DG MOVE. For more information click here.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 08 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emasne In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • February 2010
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 08 July, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emduca In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 July, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emseag In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emasnt In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 June, 2014
      Select Dataset
      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emaspt In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 June, 2014
      Select Dataset
      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emtyag In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 31 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • June 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 June, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 October, 2023
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      Data on causes of death (COD) provide information on mortality patterns and form a major element of public health information. COD data refer to the underlying cause which - according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) - is "the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury". Causes of death are classified by the 86 causes of the "European shortlist" of causes of death. This shortlist is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). COD data are derived from death certificates. The medical certification of death is an obligation in all Member States. Countries code the information provided in the medical certificate of cause of death into ICD codes according to the rules specified in the ICD. Data are broken down by sex, 5-year age groups, cause of death and by residency and country of occurrence. For stillbirths and neonatal deaths additional breakdows might include age of mother. Data are available for EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey. Regional data (NUTS level 2) are available for most of the countries. Annual national data are provided in absolute number, crude death rates and standardised death rates. At regional level (NUTS level 2) the same is provided in form of 3 years averages. Annual crude death rates are also available at NUTS level 2.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • September 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 10 September, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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    • December 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 December, 2021
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
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      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on:the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics ofthe employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value:providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • February 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 03 February, 2022
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      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
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      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
      Select Dataset
      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on:the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics ofthe employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value:providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
      Select Dataset
      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • October 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 October, 2021
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      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
      Select Dataset
      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on:the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics ofthe employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value:providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • October 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 October, 2021
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      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • September 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 September, 2023
      Select Dataset
      This data collection is based on the two Labour Force Survey ad-hoc modules (LFS AHMs) carried out in 2007 and 2013, and provides information on: the number of employed persons who had one or more accidents at work resulting in injuries and which occurred in the last 12 months before the survey;the number of employed persons having had one or more work-related physical or mental health problems in the 12 months before the survey which were caused or made worse by work apart from the previously mentioned accidents at work;the type of the most serious work-related health problem caused or made worse by work;the exposure at work to certain risk factor(s) that can affect physical health or mental well-being. In addition, the data published on the Eurostat website provides information on certain characteristics of the employed person: sex, age, educational attainment level, occupation, employment status, full/part-time work, atypical working hours and the job done when the most recent accident at work resulting in injury occurred (main, second, last job etc.);the enterprise or other employer: area of economic activity (according to the NACE classification of economic activities in the European Union) and the sizes of the enterprises;the accident: whether the accident was a road traffic accident or not, and the period off work because of the accident;whether the most serious health problem caused of made worse by work limits the ability to carry out day to day activities either at work or outside work. Compared with the administrative data collection ESAW (European Statistics of Accidents at Work), the LFS AHMs 2007 and 2013 give the following additional value: providing information about accidents with less than four days of absence from work, as well as more information about the occurrence of road traffic accidents;including information about work-related health problems and risk factors for physical health and mental well-being;enabling the analysis of accidents and work-related health problems by LFS core variables;enabling a comparison of reporting levels between Member States, economic sectors and other variables.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 November, 2023
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      The domain "Income and living conditions" covers four topics: people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, income distribution and monetary poverty, living conditions and material deprivation, which are again structured into collections of indicators on specific topics. The collection "People at risk of poverty or social exclusion" houses main indicator on risk of poverty or social inclusion included in the Europe 2020 strategy as well as the intersections between sub-populations of all Europe 2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion. The collection "Income distribution and monetary poverty" houses collections of indicators relating to poverty risk, poverty risk of working individuals as well as the distribution of income. The collection "Living conditions" hosts indicators relating to characteristics and living conditions of households, characteristics of the population according to different breakdowns, health and labour conditions, housing conditions as well as childcare related indicators. The collection "Material deprivation" covers indicators relating to economic strain, durables, housing deprivation and environment of the dwelling.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • July 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 July, 2023
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The resource-related data refer to both human and technical resources, i.e. they relate to: - 'Health care staff': 'manpower' active in the health care sector (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.); - 'Health care facilities': technical capacity dimensions (hospital beds, beds in nursing and residential care facilities, etc.). Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on resources are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • December 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 21 December, 2022
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      Data on physicians should refer to those "immediately serving patients", i.e. physicians who have direct contact with patients as consumers of health care services. In the context of comparing health care services across Member States, Eurostat considers that this is the concept which best describes the availability of health care resources. However, Member States use different concepts when they report the number of health care professionals. Therefore, for some countries, the data might include physicians who work in their profession but do not see patients (i.e. they work in research, administration etc.) or refer to physicians "licensed to practice" (i.e. successfully graduated physicians irrespective whether they see patients or not). Please have a look in the annexes of the metadata to see for which concept these data refer to for each country.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 27 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
      Select Dataset
      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 July, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emedag In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 08 July, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emacag In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 08 July, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emocag In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 May, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hlth_db_emrena In order to provide data for the European Year of People with Disabilities 2003, the 2002 European Union Labour Force Survey (LFS) contained an ad hoc module concerning the employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with the existence, type, cause and duration of longstanding health problem or disability, work limitations (regarding the kind of work or the amount of work, and mobility problems), and assistance needed or provided to work. The results refer to persons aged 16-64 years, living in private households. Disabled persons are those who stated that they had a longstanding health problem or disability (LSHPD) for 6 months or more or expected to last 6 months or more. The indicator used is the percentage prevalence of people with disabilities in various socioeconomic groups as well as the percentage distribution of certain characteristics of disability or of certain socioeconomic characteristics among those reporting disability. The survey was conducted in all the 15 old Member States of the EU as well as in 9 at that time acceding or candidate countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Malta, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Romania) and in Norway.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • July 2021
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 02 July, 2021
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      Hospital beds provide information on health care capacities, i.e. on the maximum number of patients who can be treated by hospitals. Psychiatric care beds in hospitals are beds accommodating patients with mental health problems. These beds are a subgroup of total hospital beds which are defined as all hospital beds which are regularly maintained and staffed and immediately available for the care of admitted patients; both occupied and unoccupied beds are covered. Hospitals are defined according to the classification of health care providers of the System of Health Accounts (SHA); all public and private hospitals should be covered.
    • March 2013
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 31 May, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_040 The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among MS the health status, lifestyle (health determinants) and health care services use of the EU citizens. The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) was developed between 2003 and 2006, during a process in which all the EU Member States (MS) were largely involved. It consists of four modules on health status, health care, health determinants, and background variables. Those modules may be implemented at the national level either as one specific survey or as elements of existing surveys (i.e. national health interview survey, labour force survey, other household surveys). The final version of the questionnaire for the first wave of EHIS was adopted by the MS at the Working Group on Public Health Statistics in November 2006. The survey contained around 130 questions split among the four modules covering the following topics: Background variables on demography and socio-economic status Health status:Minimum European Health Module (MEHM): self-perceived health, chronic health problems and activity limitationDisease specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesWork-related health problemsHealth related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsActivities of daily living (ADL - feeding, bathing, etc.) and help receivedInstrumental activities of daily living (IADL - preparing meals, shopping, etc.) and help receivedPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being)   Health care:Hospitalisation (inpatient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsUnmet needs for hospitalization and for consultation with a specialistVisits to specific non-medical health professionalsVisits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitionersUse of home care and home help servicesSatisfaction with services provided by health care providersUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Health care preventive actions (influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test, blood tests, etc.)Out-of-pocket payments for medical care (self-completion form)   Health determinants:Height and weightPhysical activityConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceEnvironnent (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure, social support)Smoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smoke (self-completion form)Alcohol consumption (self-completion form)Illicit drug use (self-completion form).   The first wave of the EHIS was implemented during the period 2006-2009 under a gentlemen's agreement. Nineteen countries have carried out it:2006: AT, EE2007: SI, CH2008: BE, BG, CZ, CY, FR, LV, MT, RO, TR2009: DE, EL, ES, HU, PL, SK.   Germany provided aggregated data and for breakdowns with a strata size less than 20, the values were marked as confidential (flag ~c). No data have been received for Switzerland. In total, 26 indicators based on DG SANCO and DG EMPL needs and covering health status, health determinants and health care are disseminated on Eurostat website. For more information on indicators see document EHIS indicators guidelines.   The indicators present distribution percentages and are calculated with different breakdown according to the indicator:sex, age group (10-years intervals, 15 – 24, 25 – 34, …, 75 – 84, 85 or over) and educational attainment levels (ISCED0-2, ISCED3-4, ISCED5-6);sex, age group (18-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75 or over) and income quintiles.   For example: 4.5 % of Latvian women aged 25-34 are obese (BMI is equal or greater than 30). Records with missing values on age and sex were excluded from the calculation of indicators.   Most of the indicators are worked out for the population aged 15 or over. Nevertheless, for some specific indicators, frequencies are calculated on different populations:the Body Mass Index (BMI) (tables hlth_ehis_de1 and hlth_ehis_de2) is calculated for adults only (18+);the self-reported prevalence of high blood pressure (table hlth_ehis_st1) is computed for people aged 25+;the self-reported vaccination against influenza (table hlth_ehis_hc1) is computed for people aged 65+;the self-reported breast examination by X-ray (table hlth_ehis_hc2) is computed for women aged 50-69;the self-reported cervical smear test (table hlth_ehis_hc3) is computed for women aged 20-69;the self-reported colorectal cancer screening test (table hlth_ehis_hc4) is computed for people aged 50-74.
  • R
    • November 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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      Accessed On: 06 November, 2023
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      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year (generally 2014 for demographic and labour market data, 2013 for regional accounts, innovation and social statistics).   In any analytical study conducted at sub-national levels, the choice of the territorial unit is of prime importance. The territorial grids (TL2 and TL3) used in this database are officially established and relatively stable in all member countries, and are used by many as a framework for implementing regional policies. This classification - which, for European countries, is largely consistent with the Eurostat classification - facilitates greater comparability of regions at the same territorial level. The differences with the Eurostat NUTS classification concern Belgium, Greece and the Netherlands where the NUTS 2 level correspond to the OECD TL3 and Germany where the NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2 and the OECD TL3 corresponds to 97 spatial planning regions (Groups of Kreise). For the United Kingdom the Eurostat NUTS1 corresponds to the OECD TL2. Due to limited data availability, labour market indicators in Canada are presented for a different grid (groups of TL3 regions). Since these breakdowns are not part of the OECD official territorial grids, for the sake of simplicity they are labelled as Non Official Grids (NOG).
    • October 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
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      Accessed On: 17 October, 2023
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      The Regional well-being dataset presents eleven dimensions central for well-being at local level and for 395 OECD regions, covering material conditions (income, jobs and housing), quality of life (education, health, environment, safety and access to services) and subjective well-being (social network support and life satisfaction). The set of indicators selected to measure these dimensions is a combination of people's individual attributes and their local conditions, and in most cases, are available over two different years (2000 and 2014). Regions can be easily visualised and compared to other regions through the interactive website [www.oecdregionalwellbeing.org]. The dataset, the website and the publications "Regions at a Glance" and "How’s life in your region?" are outputs designed from the framework for regional and local well-being. The Regional income distribution dataset presents comparable data on sub-national differences in income inequality and poverty for OECD countries. The data by region provide information on income distribution within regions (Gini coefficients and income quintiles), and relative income poverty (with poverty thresholds set in respect of the national population) for 2013. These new data complement international assessments of differences across regions in living conditions by documenting how household income is distributed within regions and how many people are poor relatively to the typical citizen of their country. For analytical purposes, the OECD classifies regions as the first administrative tier of sub-national government, so called Territorial Level 2 or TL2 in the OECD classification. This classification is used by National Statistical Offices to collect information and it represents in many countries the framework for implementing regional policies. Well-being indicators are shown for the 395 TL2 OECD regions, equivalent of the NUTS2 for European countries, with the exception for Estonian where well-being data are presented at a smaller (TL3) level and for the Regional Income dataset, where Greece, Hungary and Poland data are presented at a more aggregated (NUTS1) level.
    • January 2010
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hsw_ij_svhos An ad hoc module on "Work-related health problems and accidental injuries" was included in the 1999 Labour Force Survey (LFS), in order to act as a complementary data source to ESAW (European Statistics on accidents at Work) and EODS (European Occupational Diseases Statistics) and give a broader view on Health and Safety at Work.. This module provided complementary information on accidents occurring at work and resulting in less than 4 days' absence from work, on return to work after the accident at work and on health problems caused or made worse by work. The data refer to self-reported accidental injuries at work during a 12 month period before the survey and to self-reported non-accidental health problems caused or made worse by work and from which the respondent had suffered during a 12 month period before the survey. The indicators used for accidental injuries are the percentage distributions of accidents and the relative incidence rate of accidents (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The incidence rate is the number of accidents at work per 100 000 employed workers. The indicators used for non-accidental health problems are the percentage distribution, number, prevalence rate and relative prevalence rate of health problems (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The prevalence rate is the number of people suffering from the health problem during the last 12 months per 100 000 employed workers (see the link to summary methodology at the bottom of the page). Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. Similarly, the prevalence rates for non-accidental health problems are standardised for economic activity and for age, as age influences importantly the prevalence of health problems. For more details, please see the link to the summary methodology at the bottom of the page. Geographical coverage: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom. Sector coverage: All sectors of economic activity are covered. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence and prevalence rates are calculated for the total of all branches.
    • January 2010
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hsw_ij_hjnas An ad hoc module on "Work-related health problems and accidental injuries" was included in the 1999 Labour Force Survey (LFS), in order to act as a complementary data source to ESAW (European Statistics on accidents at Work) and EODS (European Occupational Diseases Statistics) and give a broader view on Health and Safety at Work.. This module provided complementary information on accidents occurring at work and resulting in less than 4 days' absence from work, on return to work after the accident at work and on health problems caused or made worse by work. The data refer to self-reported accidental injuries at work during a 12 month period before the survey and to self-reported non-accidental health problems caused or made worse by work and from which the respondent had suffered during a 12 month period before the survey. The indicators used for accidental injuries are the percentage distributions of accidents and the relative incidence rate of accidents (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The incidence rate is the number of accidents at work per 100 000 employed workers. The indicators used for non-accidental health problems are the percentage distribution, number, prevalence rate and relative prevalence rate of health problems (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The prevalence rate is the number of people suffering from the health problem during the last 12 months per 100 000 employed workers (see the link to summary methodology at the bottom of the page). Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. Similarly, the prevalence rates for non-accidental health problems are standardised for economic activity and for age, as age influences importantly the prevalence of health problems. For more details, please see the link to the summary methodology at the bottom of the page. Geographical coverage: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom. Sector coverage: All sectors of economic activity are covered. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence and prevalence rates are calculated for the total of all branches.
  • S
    • May 2010
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 12 December, 2015
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    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 01 August, 2024
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      The indicator is a subjective measure on how people judge their health in general on a scale from "very good" to "very bad". It is expressed as the share of the population aged 16 or over perceiving itself to be in "good" or "very good" health. The data stem from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU SILC). Indicators of perceived general health have been found to be a good predictor of people’s future health care use and mortality.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
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    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
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    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • October 2014
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 13 December, 2015
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_070 The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health:Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs:Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health:Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs:Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • June 2014
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 11 December, 2015
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_090 The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health:Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs:Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 18 October, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 23 March, 2019
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • May 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 May, 2022
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      Non-expenditure health care data provide information on institutions providing health care in countries, on resources used and on output produced in the framework of health care provision. Data on health care form a major element of public health information as they describe the capacities available for different types of health care provision as well as potential 'bottlenecks' observed. The quantity and quality of health care services provided and the work sharing established between the different institutions are a subject of ongoing debate in all countries. Sustainability - continuously providing the necessary monetary and personal resources needed - and meeting the challenges of ageing societies are the primary perspectives used when analysing and using the data. The output-related data ('activities') refer to contacts between patients and the health care system, and to the treatment thereby received. Data are available for hospital discharges of in-patients and day cases, average length of stay of in-patients and medical procedures performed in hospitals. Annual national and regional data are provided in absolute numbers and in population-standardised rates (per 100 000 inhabitants). Wherever applicable, the definitions and classifications of the System of Health Accounts (SHA) are followed, e.g. International Classification for Health Accounts - Providers of health care (ICHA-HP). For hospital discharges, the International Shortlist for Hospital Morbidity Tabulation (ISHMT) is used. Health care data on activities are largely based on administrative data sources in the countries. Therefore, they reflect the country-specific way of organising health care and may not always be completely comparable.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • February 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 February, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • February 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 25 February, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • December 2021
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 19 December, 2021
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • October 2021
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 30 October, 2021
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 01 December, 2022
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    • December 2023
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 02 December, 2023
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2021
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • April 2018
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 11 April, 2018
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      20.1. Source data
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 July, 2024
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • July 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 July, 2024
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • November 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 November, 2023
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 30 October, 2022
      Select Dataset
      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • February 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 February, 2022
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health: Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs: Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group. Data for individual countries are disseminated starting the fourth quarter of year N+1 (where N = year of data collection). EU aggregates and health indicators for all countries (provided that the data is available) for year N are published by the end of February N+2 at the latest.
    • June 2014
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 December, 2015
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_060
    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2021
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    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2021
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    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 November, 2021
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 November, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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    • June 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 03 July, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2022
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    • March 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2022
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2022
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    • July 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 July, 2022
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    • November 2021
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 17 November, 2021
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    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • November 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • October 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 April, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • April 2024
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 25 April, 2024
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      The indicator measures the share of the population aged 15 years and over who report that they currently smoke boxed cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or a pipe. The data does not include use of other tobacco products such as electronic cigarettes and snuff. The data are collected through a Eurobarometer survey and are based on self-reports during face-to-face interviews in people’s homes.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      The harmonised data on accidents at work are collected in the framework of the European Statistics on Accidents at Work (ESAW), on the basis of a methodology developed in 1990. The data refer to accidents at work resulting in more than 3 days' absence from work (serious accidents) and fatal accidents. A fatal accident is defined as an accident which leads to the death of a victim within one year of the accident. The indicators used are the number and incidence rate of serious and fatal accidents at work. The incidence rate of serious accidents at work is the number of persons involved in accidents at work with more than 3 days' absence per 100,000 persons in employment. The incidence rate of fatal accidents at work is the number of persons with fatal accidents at work per 100,000 persons in employment. The national ESAW sources are the declarations of accidents at work, either to the public (Social Security) or private specific insurance for accidents at work, or to other relevant national authority (Labour Inspection, etc.) for countries having a "universal" Social Security system. For the Netherlands only survey data are available for the non-fatal accidents at work (a special module in the national labour force survey). Sector coverage: In general the private sector is covered by all national reporting systems. However some important sectors are not covered by all Member States. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence rate is calculated for the total of the so-called 9 common branches (See point 3.6). For a structured metadata overview on variables, coverage of sectors and professional status please see also the annex Metadata_overview_2007.Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. For more details, please see the summary methodology (link at the bottom of the page). Geographical coverage: For accidents at work, data are available for all old EU-Member States (EU 15) and Norway. The methodology has also been implemented in the New Member States and Switzerland with first data being available for the reference year 2004.
    • April 2018
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 11 April, 2018
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      Crude death rate per 100 000 personsThis indicator is defined as the crude death rate from suicide and intentional self-harm per 100 000 people, by age group.Figures should be interpreted with care as suicide registration methods vary between countries and over time. Moreover, the figures do not include deaths from events of undetermined intent (part of which should be considered as suicides) and attempted suicides which did not result in death.  
  • T
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.
    • August 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 August, 2023
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • June 2022
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 June, 2022
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (including environment) and use and limitations in access to health care services of the EU citizens. The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country. EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey. The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Some other countries conducted their national health interview surveys using the second wave of EHIS questionnaire such as Turkey or Serbia. EHIS includes the following topics: Health status This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations: General health status (Minimum European health module): self-perceived health, chronic morbidity and activity limitationDisease-specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesHealth-related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsDifficulties in personal care activities / activities of daily living (such as eating and washing) and help received/neededHousehold activities / Instrumental activities of daily living (such as preparing meals and shopping) and help received/neededPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being in the first wave, depressive symptoms in the second wave)Work-related health problems (only in the first wave).Health care This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services: Hospitalisation (in-patient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsVisits to specific health professionals (such as physiotherapists or psychologists)Use of home care and home help servicesUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Healthcare preventive actions (such as influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test and blood tests)Unmet needs for health careOut-of-pocket payments for medical care (only in the first wave)Satisfaction with services provided by healthcare providers (only in the first wave)Visits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitioners (only in the first wave).Health determinants This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activity/exerciseConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceSmoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smokeAlcohol consumptionSocial supportProvision of informal care or assistance (only in the second wave)Illicit drug use (only in the first wave)Environment (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure) (only in the first wave).Background variables on demography and socio-economic status. All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group or labour status. Additional breakdowns such as country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
    • March 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 01 April, 2024
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  • W
    • March 2009
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 29 June, 2014
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:hsw_hp_nuse An ad hoc module on "Work-related health problems and accidental injuries" was included in the 1999 Labour Force Survey (LFS), in order to act as a complementary data source to ESAW (European Statistics on accidents at Work) and EODS (European Occupational Diseases Statistics) and give a broader view on Health and Safety at Work.. This module provided complementary information on accidents occurring at work and resulting in less than 4 days' absence from work, on return to work after the accident at work and on health problems caused or made worse by work. The data refer to self-reported accidental injuries at work during a 12 month period before the survey and to self-reported non-accidental health problems caused or made worse by work and from which the respondent had suffered during a 12 month period before the survey. The indicators used for accidental injuries are the percentage distributions of accidents and the relative incidence rate of accidents (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The incidence rate is the number of accidents at work per 100 000 employed workers. The indicators used for non-accidental health problems are the percentage distribution, number, prevalence rate and relative prevalence rate of health problems (relative to the rate in the total of all participating countries, which is marked with 100). The prevalence rate is the number of people suffering from the health problem during the last 12 months per 100 000 employed workers (see the link to summary methodology at the bottom of the page). Statistical adjustments: Because the frequency of work accidents is higher in some branches (high-risk sectors), an adjustment is performed to get more standardised incidence rates. Similarly, the prevalence rates for non-accidental health problems are standardised for economic activity and for age, as age influences importantly the prevalence of health problems. For more details, please see the link to the summary methodology at the bottom of the page. Geographical coverage: Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom. Sector coverage: All sectors of economic activity are covered. The specification of sectors is given according to the NACE classification (NACE = Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne). The incidence and prevalence rates are calculated for the total of all branches.
  • Y
    • June 2014
      Source: Eurostat
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      Accessed On: 11 December, 2015
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:yth_hlth_080 The European Statistics of Income and Living Condition (EU-SILC) survey contains a small module on health, composed of 3 variables on health status and 4 variables on unmet needs for health care. The variables on health status represent the so called Minimum European Health Module (MEHM), and measures 3 different concepts of health:Self-perceived healthChronic morbidity (people having a long-standing illness or health problem)Activity limitation – disability (self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problems) The variables on unmet needs for health care targets two broad types of services: medical care and dental care. The variables refer to the respondent's own assessment of whether he or she needed the respective type of examination or treatment, but did not have it and if so what was the main reason of not having it, Eurostat currently disseminates the following indicators for unmet needs:Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination for reasons of barriers of accessSelf-reported unmet needs for medical examination by reasonSelf-reported unmet needs for dental examination by reason All indicators are expressed as percentages within (or share of) the population and breakdowns are given by: sex, age, labour status, educational attainment level, and income quintile group.
    • March 2019
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 22 March, 2019
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      In 2011, the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) included an ad hoc module (AHM) on employment of disabled people. The module consisted of 11 variables dealing with: Health problems and difficulties in basic activities;Limitations in work caused by health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Special assistance needed or used by people with health problems/difficulties in basic activities;Limitation in work because of other reasons. On the basis of how the module was operationalised, the following two main definitions for disability were considered for presenting the results: Disabled persons = People having a basic activity difficulty (such as seeing, hearing, walking, communicating);Disabled persons = People having a work limitation caused by a longstanding health condition and/or a basic activity difficulty. 32 countries have implemented this module: the EU 28 Member States plus Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. The Norwegian data are not disseminated because the AHM questionnaire in Norway only partly complies with the Commission Regulation (EU) No 317/2010 and consequently, the data are incomplete and partly comparable. Missing values, don't know and refusal answers are not considered in the calculations. It means the indicators have been worked out on the respondents and validated answers only.