Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organisation of 34 countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices and co-ordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

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    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI by counterpart area and by economic activity, BMD4 includes inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows, positions and income by partner country and by economic activity for OECD reporting economies. It is a simplified dataset with fewer breakdowns compared to the other separate datasets specifically dedicated to FDI flows, FDI positions or FDI income by counterpart area, or by economic activity. In this dataset, FDI exclude resident SPEs, when they exist (unless otherwise stated, see metadata attached at the reporting country level); and inward FDI positions are allocated to the ultimate counterpart country when available (see metadata attached at the reporting country level). Inward and outward FDI statistics in this dataset are presented on a directional basis (unless otherwise stated, see metadata attached at the reporting country level); they are measured in USD millions, in millions of national currency and as a share of total (for FDI positions only). This dataset supports FDI indicators by counterpart area and by economic activity available from the OECD Data Portal. In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) This OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI by counterpart area and by economic activity, BMD4 and historical BMD3 includes long time series of FDI statistics by partner country and by industry. It uses available BMD4 series and combines them with BMD3 historical series (from the unrevised OECD FDI datasets according to BMD3) as far back as 2005 and identifies breaks in series. For selected countries, breaks in series were removed as there was no significant impact of BMD4 implementation. In this dataset, inward and outward FDI flows, positions and income include resident SPEs when they exist (unless otherwise stated, see metadata attached at the reporting country level); and they are allocated to the immediate counterpart country (unless otherwise specified, see metadata attached at the reporting country level). Inward and outward FDI statistics in this datset are presented on a directional basis (unless otherwise stated, see metadata attached at the reporting country level); they are measured in USD millions, in millions of national currency and as a share of total (for FDI positions only). In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) This OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals.
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    • October 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 24 October, 2023
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      Because of the limited availability of official statistics on national supply-use and input-output tables in recent years – reflecting the fact that these are only typically available at best two or three years after the reference period to which they refer – TiVA indicators for the most recent years, as displayed in this dataset, are estimated using now-casting techniques. The approach (described in more detail in the accompanying methodological note) in essence estimates national input-output tables by projecting relationships observed in the latest TiVA benchmark year (currently 2011) into nowcast years (currently 2012-2014) but constrained to official estimates of gross output and value-added by industry and national accounts main aggregates of demand and trade, and supplemented by bilateral trade statistics, all of which are available throughout the nowcast period. Importantly, the projections of relationships in 2011 into 2012 are determined using a volume approach, to account for possible distortions that might be introduced – by for example differential price movements in imports and domestic production – if projections were made using nominal relationships. These estimates are then reflated into current prices, and simultaneously balanced – consistent with official volume and current price estimates of trade, demand and activity – to arrive at a balanced national input-output table in 2012, in nominal terms as well as in prices of 2011. Estimates for 2013 and 2014 are calculated in the same manner but using, respectively, the 2012 and 2013 relationships as the starting point.