Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organisation of 34 countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices and co-ordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

All datasets: A C E F G H I L M O P S T
  • A
    • April 2019
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 April, 2019
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      AEO (African Economic Outlook) Country Notes Tables, 2015
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 26 July, 2024
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      This database includes annual, quarterly and monthly information on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions related to commercial passenger, freight, and general aviation flights, on both a territory and a residence basis, for 186 countries. These CO2 emissions are estimated by the OECD, based on a consistent methodology across countries. The main source used for the estimation of these CO2 emissions is a database compiled by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) with all commercial passenger and freight flights around the world.
  • C
    • August 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 August, 2023
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      Note: CPA data for 2018 and 2019 are projections from the 2016 Survey on Forward Spending Plans. Country Programmable Aid (CPA), outlined in our Development Brief  and also known as “core” aid, is the portion of aid donors programme for individual countries, and over which partner countries could have a significant say. CPA is much closer than ODA to capturing the flows of aid that goes to the partner country, and has been proven in several studies to be a good proxy of aid recorded at country level. CPA was developed in 2007 in close collaboration with DAC members. It is derived on the basis of DAC statistics and was retroactively calculated from 2000 onwards
    • April 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 13 May, 2024
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      The objective of the CRS Aid Activity database is to provide a set of readily available basic data that enables analysis on where aid goes, what purposes it serves and what policies it aims to implement, on a comparable basis for all DAC members. Data are collected on individual projects and programmes. Focus is on financial data but some descriptive information is also made available.
  • E
  • F
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 July, 2024
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      This dataset FDI flows by counterpart area, BMD4 includes inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows by partner country for OECD reporting economies: Inward FDI flows by partner country measure the value of cross-border direct investment transactions received by the reporting economy during a year, by source country, enabling, for example, the identification of the major sources of FDI for a specific OECD economy in that year. Inward FDI flows are allocated to the immediate investing country. Outward FDI flows by partner country measure the value of cross-border direct investment transactions from the reporting economy during a year, by destination country or region, enabling, for example, the identification of the major destinations of FDI for a specific OECD economy in that year. Outward FDI flows are allocated to the immediate counterpart country for all OECD countries. Inward and outward FDI flows by partner country are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions and in millions of national currency.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI flows by economic activity, BMD4 includes inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows by economic activity for OECD reporting economies:Inward FDI flows by economic activity measure the value of cross-border direct investment transactions received by the reporting economy in a specific industry during a year, enabling, for example, the identification of the most attractive industries for FDI in each OECD economy in that year.Outward FDI flows by economic activity measure the value of cross-border direct investment transactions from the reporting economy during a year, by industry. The industry sector corresponds to the activity of the direct investment enterprise or to the activity of the direct investor (more details on the activity allocation method for outward FDI flows are indicated in the metadata information attached at the country level). Inward and outward FDI flows by economic activity are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions and in millions of national currency. A cross-classification of inward and outward FDI flows by major ISIC4 sections and by main geographic aggregates are also available for some OECD reporting economies. In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) An OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals. Historical and unrevised series of FDI flows by economic activity under the previous BMD3 methodology can be accessed in the archived dataset FDI flows by industry.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 25 July, 2024
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      This dataset FDI income by counterpart area, BMD4 includes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) payments and receipts by partner country for OECD reporting economies:FDI income payments (or income on inward FDI) by partner country measure the total returns within a year on direct investment stocks paid by enterprises in the reporting economy to their foreign investors, by destination countries or regions, enabling, for example, the identification of the major destinations of FDI income payments for a specific OECD economy in that year. FDI income payments are allocated to the immediate counterpart country.FDi income receipts (or income on outward FDI) by partner country measure the total returns within a year on direct investment stocks received by investors in the reporting economy from their direct investment enterprises abroad, by source countries or region, enabling, for example, the identification of the major sources of FDI income receipts for a specific OECD economy in that year.. FDI income receipts are allocated to the immediate counterpart country or region for all OECD countries. Income payments and receipts (or income on inward and outward FDI respectively) by partner country are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions and in millions of national currency.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI income by economic activity, BMD4 includes Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) payments and receipts by economic activity for OECD reporting economies:FDI income payments (or income on inward FDI) by economic activity measure the total returns within a year on direct investment stocks paid by enterprises in the reporting economy, in a specific industry, to their foreign investors.FDi income receipts (or income on outward FDI) by economic activity measure the total returns within a year on direct investment stocks received by investors in the reporting economy from their direct investment enterprises abroad, by industry. The industry sector corresponds to the activity of the direct investment enterprise or to the activity of the direct investor (more details on the activity allocation method for FDI income receipts are indicated in the metadata information attached at the country level). Income payments and receipts (or income on inward and outward FDI respectively) by economic activity are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions and in millions of national currency. In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) This OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 18 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI positions by counterpart area, BMD4 includes inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) positions by partner country for OECD reporting economies:Inward FDI positions by partner country measure the total level of direct investment in the reporting economy at the end of the year, by source countries, enabling, for example, the identification of the major sources of FDI for a specific OECD economy. Inward FDI positions are allocated to the immediate investing country but inward FDI positions allocated to the ultimate investing country are also available for some OECD economies.Outward FDI positions by partner country measure the total level of direct investment from the reporting economy at the end of the year, by destination countries, enabling, for example, the identification of the major destinations of FDI for a specific OECD economy. Outward FDI positions are allocated to the immediate counterpart country for all OECD countries. Inward and outward FDI positions by partner country are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions, in millions of national currency and as a share of total FDI positions. In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) This OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals. Historical and unrevised series of FDI positions by counterpart area under the previous BMD3 methodology can be accessed in the archived dataset FDI positions by partner country.
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 August, 2024
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      This dataset FDI positions by economic activity, BMD4 includes inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) positions by economic activity according to ISIC4 for OECD reporting economies:Inward FDI positions by economic activity measure the total level of direct investment in a specific industry of the reporting economy at the end of the year, enabling, for example, the identification of the most attractive industry sectors for FDI in each OECD economy.Outward FDI positions by economic activity measure the total level of direct investment from the reporting economy at the end of the year, by industry sector. The industry sector corresponds to the activity of the direct investment enterprise or to the activity of the direct investor (more details on the activity allocation method for outward FDI positions are indicated in the metadata information attached at the country level). Inward and outward FDI positions by economic activity are presented according to the directional principle (unless otherwise specified in the country level metadata); they are measured in USD millions, in millions of national currency and as a share of total FDI positions. A cross-classification of inward and outward FDI positions by major ISIC4 sections and by main geographic aggregates are also available for some OECD reporting economies. In 2014, many countries implemented the latest international standards for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics:the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of FDI, 4th edition (BMD4); andthe IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, 6th edition (BPM6) This OECD database was launched in March 2015 which includes the data series reported by national experts according to BMD4. The data are for the most part based on balance of payments statistics published by Central Banks and Statistical Offices following the recommendations of the IMF’s BPM6 and the OECD’s BMD4. However, some of the data relate to other sources such as notifications or approvals. Historical and unrevised series of FDI positions by economic activity under the previous BMD3 methodology can be accessed in the archived dataset FDI positions by industry.
  • G
    • September 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 September, 2023
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      The GID-DB is a database providing researchers and policymakers with key data on gender-based discrimination in social institutions. This data helps analyse women’s empowerment and understand gender gaps in other key areas of development.Covering 180 countries and territories, the GID-DB contains comprehensive information on legal, cultural and traditional practices that discriminate against women and girls.
    • September 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 14 September, 2023
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    • September 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 14 September, 2023
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      This table provides information on the main relevant indicators. The data have mainly been supplied by the World Bank, and cover, where available: -Current Gross National Income (GNI) in US $ millions; -GNI per capita (US $); -Population; -Energy use as kilogram of oil per capita; -Average Life Expectancy of Adults; and -Adult Literacy Rate as a percentage of the country population. Data for Sudan include South Sudan, with the exception of total population, which is reported separately.
    • September 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 14 September, 2023
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      Bilateral ODA commitments by purpose. Data cover the years 2005 to 2009. Amounts are expressed in USD million. The sectoral distribution of bilateral ODA commitments refers to the economic sector of destination (i.e. the specific area of the recipient's economic or social structure whose development is, or is intended to be fostered by the aid), rather than to the type of goods or services provided. These are aggregates of individual projects notified under the Creditor Reporting System, supplemented by reporting on the sectoral distribution of technical co-operation, and on actual disbursements of food and emergency aid.
    • September 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 September, 2024
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      The OECD Green Growth database contains selected indicators for monitoring progress towards green growth to support policy making and inform the public at large. The database synthesises data and indicators across a wide range of domains including a range of OECD databases as well as external data sources. The database covers OECD member and accession countries, key partners (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa) and other selected non-OECD countries.
  • H
  • I
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 August, 2024
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    • June 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Collins Omwaga
      Accessed On: 02 June, 2023
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      This indicator reports the percentage of students of each country of origin over the total of international students.
    • September 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 September, 2024
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      Metadata by country are available in English and French. Please click on the link below: The aim of this dataflow International Trade in Services EBOPS 2010 (by partner country) is to collect and disseminate balance of payments data on international trade in services at the most detailed partner country level available. To the extent that countries report them, data are also broken down by type of service according to the EBOPS 2010 classification. There has been a growing interest in monitoring patterns of trade in services around the world, which is partly associated with ongoing trade negotiations and partly due to the increasing importance of services in OECD economies. It has been developed to supplement other OECD publications on trade in services to address the data needs of trade analysts. It is also an important part of OECD's programme to facilitate the implementation of the recommendations of the revised Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010. The currency unit used for all series is: Millions of US dollars or Millions of National Currency or Millions of Euros. OECD statistics contact: [email protected]
  • L
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 07 July, 2024
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      Land resources are one of the four components of the natural environment: water, air, land and living resources. In this context land is both: a physical "milieu" necessary for the development of natural vegetation as well as cultivated vegetation;a resource for human activities.  The data presented here give information concerning land use state and changes (e.g. agricultural land, forest land).  Land area excludes area under inland water bodies (i.e. major rivers and lakes).   Arable refers to all land generally under rotation, whether for temporary crops (double-cropped areas are counted only once) or meadows, or left fallow (less than five years). These data are not meant to indicate the amount of land that is potentially cultivable.  Permanent crops are those that occupy land for a long period and do not have to be planted for several years after each harvest (e.g. cocoa, coffee, rubber). Land under vines and trees and shrubs producing fruits, nuts and flowers, such as roses and jasmine, is so classified, as are nurseries (except those for forest trees, which should be classified under "forests and other wooded land").  Arable and permanent crop land is defined as the sum of arable area and land under permanent crops.  Permanent meadows and pastures refer to land used for five years or more to grow herbaceous forage crops, either cultivated or growing wild (wild prairie or grazing land).  Forest refers to land spanning more than 0.5 hectare (0.005 km2) and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. This includes land from which forests have been cleared but that will be reforested in the foreseeable future. This excludes woodland or forest predominantly under agricultural or urban land use and used only for recreation purposes.
  • M
    • January 2019
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 November, 2021
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      This dataset presents members' total use of the multilateral system i.e. both their multilateral aid ("Core contributions to") and bilateral aid channelled through ("Contributions through") multilateral organisations. These data originate from members' reporting at item-level in the CRS and are published here starting with 2011 data (item-level data for multilateral aid is not complete in CRS for earlier years).
    • December 2018
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 11 December, 2018
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      Air pollution is considered one of the most pressing environmental and health issues across OECD countries and beyond. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ground-level ozone (O3) have potentially the most significant adverse effects on health compared to other pollutants. PM2.5 can be inhaled and cause serious health problems including both respiratory and cardiovascular disease, having its most severe effects on children and elderly people. Exposure to PM2.5 has been shown to considerably increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in particular. For these reasons, population exposure to (outdoor or ambient) PM2.5 has been identified as an OECD Green Growth headline indicator. Exposure to ground-level ozone (O3) has serious consequences for human health, contributing to, or triggering, respiratory diseases. These include breathing problems, asthma and reduced lung function (WHO, 2016; Brauer et al., 2016). Ozone exposure is highest in emission-dense countries with warm and sunny summers. The most important determinants are background atmospheric chemistry, climate, anthropogenic and biogenic emissions of ozone precursors such as volatile organic compounds, and the ratios between different emitted chemicals.
  • O
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 02 July, 2024
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    • November 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2023
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      This table contains figures on the activity of affiliates located abroad by host country in the total manufacturing, total services and total business enterprise sectors. The units used to present data in AMNE are millions of national currency for monetary variables and units for the other variables. Monetary variables are in current prices. Euro-area countries: national currency data is expressed in euro beginning with the year of entry into the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). For years prior to the year of entry into EMU, data have been converted from the former national currency using the appropriate irrevocable conversion rate. This presentation facilitates comparisons within a country over time and ensures that the historical evolution is preserved. Please note, however, that pre-EMU euro are a notional unit and should not be used to form area aggregates or to carry out cross-country comparisons.
  • P
  • S
  • T
    • November 2023
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 November, 2023
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      Official Development Financing (ODF), measured for recipient countries only, is defined as the sum of their receipts of bilateral ODA, concessional and non-concessional resources from multilateral sources, and bilateral other official flows made available for reasons unrelated to trade, in particular loans to refinance debt.