Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative

The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) is an economic research and policy centre within the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford. OPHI aims to build and advance a more systematic methodological and economic framework for reducing multidimensional poverty, grounded in people’s experiences and values.

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    • July 2024
      Source: Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 October, 2024
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      The 2024 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) uses the most recent comparable data available for 112 countries—21 low-income countries, 87 middle-income countries and 4 high-income countries. These countries are home to 6.3 billion people, about 92 percent of the population in developing regions, and of these 1.1 billion people are poor. Global MPI values, incidence and intensity of poverty, and component indicators are disaggregated for 1,359 subnational regions as well as by age group, rural-urban area and gender of the household head. In Table 6, we publish harmonised estimates for 86 countries, which provide results for trends over time. Forty have harmonized data for two points in time, 36 countries have trends data for three points in time, six have data for four points in time, three (Ghana, Mexico and Peru) have data for five points in time and Nepal has trends data for six points in time.