United Nations ComTRADE

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) contains detailed imports and exports statistics reported by statistical authorities of close to 200 countries or areas. It concerns annual trade data from 1962 to the most recent year. UN Comtrade is considered the most comprehensive trade database available with more than 1 billion records. A typical record is – for instance – the exports of cars from Germany to the United States in 2004 in terms of value (US dollars), weight and supplementary quantity (number of cars). The database is continuously updated. Whenever trade data are received from the national authorities, they are standardized by the UN Statistics Division and then added to UN Comtrade.

All datasets: C
  • C
    • September 2019
      Source: United Nations ComTRADE
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2021
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    • April 2021
      Source: United Nations ComTRADE
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 28 October, 2021
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      Both ethanol and biodiesel are classified under the HS-6 digit categories that also contain other products. Biodiesel is an industrial product (as it is produced through a chemical process called transesterification) and classified under HS code 382490 - products, preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries not elsewhere specified. Ethanol is classified as an agriculture product under HS code 2207, which covers un-denatured (HS 2207 10) and denatured alcohol (HS 2207 20).