United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNECE's major aim is to promote pan-European economic integration. UNECE includes 56 member States in Europe, North America and Asia. However, all interested United Nations member States may participate in the work of UNECE. Over 70 international professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations take part in UNECE activities.

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  • C
    • October 2022
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 October, 2022
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      Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources. Definition: A ministry is a department of a government, led by a minister. A minister (sometimes called secretary) is a politician who holds significant public office in a national cabinet and is entrusted with the management of a division of governmental activities. A cabinet is a body of high-ranking members of government, typically representing the executive branch. Core ministries include: Cabinet of Prime Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice. General note: Reference period: any fixed date of the year. .. - data not available Country: Estonia 2015: Data refers to composition after September 14, 2015. 2014: Data refers to composition between November 17, 2014 to April 9, 2015. Country: Georgia Territorial change (2004 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region. Country: Israel 1990: data refer to average from 1988-1990, 1995: data refer to average from 1992-1995, 2000: data refer to average from 1999-2001. Country: Latvia Reference period (1990): data refer to 1991. Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1980): Data include the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1990): Data include the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1995 onward): Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Montenegro Additional information (2006): Ministry for Defense was formed in 2006. Country: Portugal 2008: data refer to 2009. Country: Slovakia Data for 2014 refer to 15 March. Data for 2015 refer to 20 November. Country: Switzerland Change in definition (1980 - onwards): All the 7 ministers in Switzerland are considered as being head of a Core Ministry.
  • G
    • February 2022
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 03 February, 2022
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      To view the original national data please open the questionnaires. Source: Joint Forest Europe / UNECE / FAO Questionnaire on Pan-European Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. Country: Russian Federation The source of the data of Russian Federation is the National Report for the Joint Forest Europe / UNECE / FAO reporting on quantitative pan-European indicators 2011.
    • October 2022
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 October, 2022
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      Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources. Definition: A ministry is a department of a government, led by a minister. A minister (sometimes called a secretary) is a politician who holds significant public office in a national cabinet and is entrusted with the management of a division of governmental activities. A cabinet is a body of high-ranking members of government, typically representing the executive branch. .. - data not available Country: Austria 1980: data refer to 1979. 1995: data refer to 1994. Country: Belarus Change in definition (2001 - 2015): Data include ministers, chairmen of state committees subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus. Country: Belgium 2011: data refer to december 2011. Country: Cyprus Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1979. Country: Cyprus Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1994. Country: Cyprus Territorial change (1980 - 2013): Government controlled area only. Country: Estonia 2015: Data refers to composition after September 14, 2015. 2014: Data refers to composition between November 17, 2014 to April 9, 2015. Country: Georgia 1980: data refer to 1979. 1995: data refer to 1994. Country: Israel Additional information (2013): 2013 data - starting from 18/3/2013 Country: Israel Reference period (1990): data refer to average from 1988-1990 Country: Israel Reference period (1995): data refer to average from 1992-1995 Country: Israel Reference period (2000): data refer to average from 1999-2001. Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1980): Data include the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1990): Data include the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1995 onward): Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Russian Federation Reference period (2000 - 2013): Data refer to the situation as of 1st of January of the following year. Country: Slovakia Data for 2014 refer to 15 March. Data for 2015 refer to 20 November.
  • M
    • August 2022
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 August, 2022
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      .. - data not available Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national and international official sources (Inter-Parliamentary Union). Definition: Members of parliament are the persons elected to the lower or single house by the persons entitled to vote in the country. The parliament is the legislative or deliberative assembly; one or more chambers or assemblies that form (or form part of) the legislature of a country. Data refer to the lower or single house. General note: Data refer to 1st July of the reference year. Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina 1980: data refer to 1978. Country: Bulgaria 1995: data refer to 1997. Country: Canada 1995: data refer to 1997 Country: Croatia In 1980 and 1990, the Croatian Parliament was differently structured (there were more deputies, there was no division on upper and lower house of parliament). Country: Cyprus 1995: data refer to 1997. Geographical coverage: data refer to Government controlled areas only. Country: Czechia Until 1992 data refer to deputies of Czech National Council, later to members of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic. Country: Estonia 1990: data refer to 1992 when the first parliament elections took place. Country: France 1980: data refer to the 1981 election. Country: Georgia Excluding Abkhaz AR and Tskhinvali Region. Country: Germany In 1990, the total number of members was increased because of German reunification. 1995: data refer to 1994 Country: Greece 1995: data refer to 1996 Country: Israel 1995: data refer to 1996 Country: Italy 1995: data refer to 1996 Country: Lithuania 1990: data refer to 1992. 1995: data refer to 1996. Country: Norway 1980: data refer to 1981. 1990: data refer to 1989. Country: Poland 1995: data refer to 1997 Country: Romania 1995: data refer to 1996 Country: Slovakia 1990: data refer to 1992. Country: Slovenia 1995: data refer to 1992 Country: Spain 1995: data refer to 1996 Country: Switzerland 1980: data refer to 1979. 1990: data refer to 1991. 2000: data refer to 1999. 2001: data refer to 2003 Country: United States 1995: date refer to 1996
  • S
    • November 2023
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 09 November, 2023
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      Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources by UNECE Statistical Division and UN Women. Definition:Indicator 5.5.1(b) measures the proportion of positions held by women in local government.It is expressed as a percentage of elected positions held by women in legislative/ deliberative bodies of localgovernment. Read more about this on the UNECE Statistical Glossary. Country: Albania 2017: Administrative data based on most recent election results at municipal level (2015) and post-election replacements. Country: Andorra From 2015 onwards: Administrative data. Country: Armenia 2018: Administrative data. Data coverage include regional and community level, including Yerevan city. Country: Azerbaijan 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2014). Country: Belarus 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018). Country: Belgium 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018) from the Istitute for the Equality of Women and Men. Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2016). Country: Bulgaria 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2015). Country: Canada 2018: Data based on most recent election results (2015) at municipal level obtained by NSO from Local Government Associations. Country: Croatia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2017). Country: Czechia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results at the level of regions (2016), municipalities (2018) and city districts (2018). Country: Denmark 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2017) Country: Estonia Administrative data Country: Finland 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2017). Country: France 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results at the level of communes (2014), departments (2015) and regions (2015). Data cover Metropolitan France and the territories of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Reunion and Mayotte. Country: Georgia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2017). Country: Germany 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (around year 2017). Country: Hungary 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2014), provided by the Electoral Management Body of the country. Country: Iceland 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018). Country: Ireland 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2014). Country: Israel 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018). Country: Italy 2018: Administrative data on municipalities provided by the Ministry of Interior. Country: Kazakhstan 2018: Administrative data. Country: Latvia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2017) Country: Liechtenstein 2019: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2019). Country: Lithuania 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2015). Country: Luxembourg 2018: Administrative data based on most recent local election (2017). Country: Malta 2017: Administrative data Country: Montenegro 2017: Data on municipal councillors provided by NSO based on information from local government association. Municipality Tuzi not covered. Country: Netherlands 2018: Administrative data Country: Norway 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2015). Country: Poland Data based on censuses/surveys. Country: Republic of Moldova 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2015). Data exclude the territory of Transnistria and municipality of Bender. Country: Romania 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2016). Country: San Marino Indicator not applicable / No elected deliberative bodies of local government. Country: Serbia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (up to 2016) Country: Slovakia 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018). Country: Slovenia 2018: Administrative data collected by Ministry of Public Administration, reflecting 2018 local elections results. Country: Spain 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results at the level of municipalities (2015) and provinces (2017). Country: Sweden 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2018). Country: Switzerland 2018: Data based on most recent municipal elections (2018) provided by NSO based on information from the Union of Swiss cities. Country: Turkey 2018: Administrative data based on most recent election results (2014) at the level of metropolitan municipalities, municipalities and provinces.