United Nations Public Administration Country Studies

The United Nations Public Administration Country Studies (UNPACS) is designed to assist the Members States of the United Nations to enhance government capacity in promoting efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, accountability and anti-corruption, in order to deliver public services to their citizens. UNPACS provides data and studies in public administration, which includes policies and strategies, research findings, good practices and lessons learned, practitioners and experts.

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    • September 2024
      Source: United Nations Public Administration Country Studies
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 04 October, 2024
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      Data cited at: UN E-Government Knowledgebase - https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/ 1. The EGDI is based on a comprehensive Survey of the online presence of all 193 United Nations Member States, which assesses national websites and how e-government policies and strategies are applied in general and in specific sectors for delivery of essential services. The assessment rates the e-government performance of countries relative to one another as opposed to being an absolute measurement. The results are tabulated and combined with a set of indicators embodying a country’s capacity to participate in the information society, without which e-government development efforts are of limited immediate use. Although the basic model has remained consistent, the precise meaning of these values varies from one edition of the Survey to the next as understanding of the potential of e-government changes and the underlying technology evolves. This is an important distinction because it also implies that it is a comparative framework that seeks to encompass various approaches that may evolve over time instead of advocating a linear path with an absolute goal. 2. E-Government Development Index-EGDI Very High-EGDI (Greater than 0.75) High-EGDI (Between 0.50 and 0.75) Middle-EGDI (Between 0.25 and 0.50) Low-EGDI (Less than 0.25)