Taiwan Province of China

  • President:Lai Ching-te
  • Vice President:Hsiao Bi-khim
  • Capital city:Taipei
  • Languages:Mandarin Chinese (official), Taiwanese (Min), Hakka dialects
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:23,264,288 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:36,197
  • GDP per capita, US$:8,850 (2021)
  • GDP, billion current US$:0.0 (2021)
  • GINI index:No data
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:No data

All datasets: E H I P T U W
  • E
    • February 2023
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 15 February, 2023
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      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Monthly (short-term indicators) and annual (long-term indicators) data are aggregated by broad product categories. Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC).Detailed data refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain product aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions Data periodicity (monthly or yearly) and product nomenclature (CN, SITC, BEC or CPA) differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;partner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area.reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export; andproduct according to the relevant classification. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
  • H
    • June 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 23 June, 2024
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      The Unemployment - LFS adjusted series (including also Harmonised long-term unemployment) is a collection of monthly, quarterly and annual series based on the quarterly results of the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), which are, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator. Harmonised unemployment is published in the section 'LFS main indicators', which is a collection of the main statistics on the labour market. However the harmonized unemployment indicators are calculated with special methods and periodidicty which justify the present page. This page focuses on the particularities of the estimation of harmonised unemployment (including unemployment rates). Other information on 'LFS main indicators' can be found in the respective ESMS page, see link in section 'related metadata'. General information on the EU-LFS can be found in the ESMS page for 'Employment and unemployment (LFS)'.  Detailed information on the main features, the legal basis, the methodology and the data as well as on the historical development of the EU-LFS is available on the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage.
  • I
    • March 2025
      Source: U.S. Census Bureau
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 March, 2025
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      The international goods and services deficit was $74.6 billion in April, up $14.0 billion from $60.6 billion in March. April exports were $249.0 billion, $9.2 billion less than March exports. April imports were $323.6 billion, $4.8 billion more than March imports. 
  • P
    • March 2025
      Source: Global Economy
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 March, 2025
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      Data cited at:The Global Economy Under licence of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported    
  • T
    • March 2025
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 March, 2025
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      Short-term statistics (STS) give information on a wide range of economic activities according to NACE Rev.2 classification (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community). The industrial import price indices offer information according to the CPA classification (Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community). Construction indices are broken down by Classification of Types of Constructions (CC). All data under this heading are index data. Percentage changes are also available for each indicator. The index data are generally presented in the following forms:UnadjustedCalendar adjustedSeasonally adjusted Depending on the STS regulation data are accessible as monthly, quarterly and annual data. This heading covers the indicators listed below in four different sectors. Based on the national data, Eurostat compiles EU and euro area infra-annual economic statistics. Among these, a list of indicators, called Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs) has been identified by key users as being of prime importance for the conduct of monetary and economic policy of the euro area. These indicators are mainly released through Eurostat's website under the heading Euro-indicators. There are eight PEEIs contributed by STS and they are marked with * in the text below. INDUSTRYProduction (volume)*Turnover: Total, Domestic market and Non-domestic market==> A further breakdown of the non-domestic turnover into euro area and non euro area is available for the euro area countriesProducer prices (output prices)*: Total, Domestic market and Non-domestic market==> A further breakdown of the non-domestic producer prices into euro area and non euro area is available for the euro area countriesImport prices*: Total, Euro area market, Non euro area market (euro area countries only)Labour input indicators: Number of persons employed, Hours worked, Gross wages and salaries CONSTRUCTIONProduction (volume)*: Total of the construction sector, Building construction, Civil EngineeringBuilding permits indicators*: Number of dwellings, Square meters of useful floor (or alternative size measure)Construction costs or prices: Construction costs, Material costs, Labour costs (if not available, they may be approximated by the Producer (output) prices variable)Labour input indicators: Number of persons employed, Hours worked, Gross wages and salaries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADEVolume of sales (deflated turnover)*Turnover (value)Labour input indicators: Number of persons employed, Hours worked, Gross wages and salaries SERVICESTurnover (in value)*Labour input indicators: Number of persons employed, Hours worked, Gross wages and salariesProducer prices (Output prices )* National reference metadata of the reporting countries can be found in the Annexes of this metadata file.
  • U
    • March 2025
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 06 March, 2025
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      The Unemployment - LFS adjusted series (including also Harmonised long-term unemployment) is a collection of monthly, quarterly and annual series based on the quarterly results of the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), which are, where necessary, adjusted and enriched in various ways, in accordance with the specificities of an indicator. Harmonised unemployment is published in the section 'LFS main indicators', which is a collection of the main statistics on the labour market. However the harmonized unemployment indicators are calculated with special methods and periodicity which justify the present page. This page focuses on the particularities of the estimation of harmonised unemployment (including unemployment rates). Other information on 'LFS main indicators' can be found in the respective ESMS page, see link in section 'related metadata'. General information on the EU-LFS can be found in the ESMS page for 'Employment and unemployment (LFS)'.  Detailed information on the main features, the legal basis, the methodology and the data as well as on the historical development of the EU-LFS is available on the EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) webpage.
    • December 2024
      Source: International Labour Organization
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 01 February, 2025
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      Imputed observations are not based on national data, are subject to high uncertainty and should not be used for country comparisons or rankings. The unemployment rate is the number of persons who are unemployed as a percent of the total number of employed and unemployed persons (i.e., the labour force). The series is part of the ILO modelled estimates and is harmonized to account for differences in national data and scope of coverage, collection and tabulation methodologies as well as for other country-specific factors. For more information, refer to the ILOSTAT pages on concepts and definitions and ILO modelled estimates and projections.
  • W
    • February 2025
      Source: World Bank
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 March, 2025
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      Data cited at: The World Bank https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ Topic: Global Economic Monitor Publication: https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/global-economic-monitor License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/   The dataset Provides daily updates of global economic developments, with coverage of high income- as well as developing countries. Average period data updates are provided for exchange rates, equity markets, interest rates, stripped bond spreads, and emerging market bond indices. Monthly data coverage (updated daily and populated upon availability) is provided for consumer prices, high-tech market indicators, industrial production and merchandise trade.