
  • President:Faure Gnassingbe
  • Prime Minister:Victoire Tomegah Dogbé
  • Capital city:Lomé
  • Languages:French (official, the language of commerce), Ewe and Mina (the two major African languages in the south), Kabye (sometimes spelled Kabiye) and Dagomba (the two major African languages in the north)
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:9,412,392 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:54,390
  • GDP per capita, US$:986 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:9.2 (2023)
  • GINI index:37.9 (2021)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:97

All datasets: E
  • E
    • April 2024
      Source: International Labour Organization
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 April, 2024
      Select Dataset
      With the aim of promoting international comparability, statistics presented on ILOSTAT are based on standard international definitions wherever feasible and may differ from official national figures. This series is based on the 13th ICLS definitions. For time series comparability, it includes countries that have implemented the 19th ICLS standards, for which data are also available in the Work Statistics -- 19th ICLS (WORK) database. The employed comprise all persons of working age who, during a specified brief period, were in one of the following categories: a) paid employment (whether at work or with a job but not at work); or b) self-employment (whether at work or with an enterprise but not at work). Data disaggregated by economic activity are provided according to the latest version of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) available for that year. Data may have been regrouped from national classifications, which may not be strictly compatible with ISIC. For more information, refer to the Labour Force Statistics (LFS and STLFS) database description.