Mariy El, Republic of - Services expenditure

28,458 (Rubles) in 2016

In 2016, services expenditure for Mariy El, Republic of was 28,458 rubles. Between 1997 and 2016, services expenditure of Mariy El, Republic of grew substantially from 422 to 28,458 rubles rising at an increasing annual rate that reached a maximum of 64.03% in 2001 and then decreased to 2.30% in 2016.

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What is services expenditure?

Indicator is based on the results of the sample survey of households' budgets. Households consumer expenditure is the part of money expenditure on purchasing consumer goods and services. Consumer expenditure does not include spending on purchasing pieces of art, antiques and jewelry made for the purpose of capital investment, it also excludes payments for materials and works for construction being classified as an investment. Consumer expenditure is classified by types of goods and services.

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What is Mariy El, Republic of services expenditure?