Life expectancy in Asia

Demographics Age Exact Age
Age 0 4 timeseries
Age 1 4 timeseries
Age 10 4 timeseries
Age 100+ 4 timeseries
Age 15 8 timeseries
Age 35 4 timeseries
Age 5 4 timeseries
Age 65 4 timeseries
Female 18 timeseries
Male 18 timeseries
Asia (years in 2022)
Asia 36 timeseries
Japan 84.8 UNDP + 1 other
Republic of Korea 84 UNDP + 1 other
Maldives 80.8 UNDP + 1 other
China 78.6 UNDP + 1 other
Sri Lanka 76.6 UNDP + 1 other
Bangladesh 73.7 UNDP + 1 other
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 73.6 UNDP + 1 other
Azerbaijan 73.5 UNDP + 1 other
Armenia 73.4 UNDP + 1 other
Mongolia 72.7 UNDP + 1 other
Bhutan 72.2 UNDP + 1 other
Uzbekistan 71.7 UNDP + 1 other
Georgia 71.6 UNDP + 1 other
Tajikistan 71.3 UNDP + 1 other
Kyrgyzstan 70.5 UNDP + 1 other
Nepal 70.5 UNDP + 1 other
Kazakhstan 69.5 UNDP + 1 other
Turkmenistan 69.4 UNDP + 1 other
India 67.7 UNDP + 1 other
Pakistan 66.4 UNDP + 1 other
Afghanistan 62.9 UNDP + 1 other