Measles in the Brunei Darussalam

Demographics Age
Children Immunization 97 % in 2022 WB
Health Indicators
Cases 0 Number of cases on Feb 2024 WHO
Health Indicators Disease Prevention
Immunization Children 97 % in 2022 WB
Southeast Asia (% in 2022)
Brunei Darussalam 97 WB + 1 other
Cambodia 83 WB + 1 other
Indonesia 84 WB + 1 other
Lao People’s Democratic Republic Children Immunization 1 timeseries
Malaysia 96 WB + 1 other
Myanmar 75 WB + 1 other
Philippines 69 WB + 1 other
Singapore 96 WB + 1 other
Thailand 96 WB + 1 other
Timor-Leste 79 WB + 1 other
Viet Nam 88 WB + 1 other
Health Communicable Diseases
Coronavirus 279,661 Number on 2023 Mar 9 CSSE
Diphteria Children Immunization 1 timeseries
Hepatitis B Age 1 Immunization 1 timeseries
HIV 42.4 % in 2021 WB + 1 other
Measles 97 % in 2022 WB + 1 other
Tuberculosis 57 per 100,000 people in 2022 WB + 1 other