Not in education in Mexico

Demographics Age (%)
Children Primary Education 6 timeseries
Youth 17.32 in 2022 WB
Gender (% in 2022)
Female 25.28 WB
Male 9.28 WB
North America (% in 2021)

The United States of America is the top country by not in education among 3 countries. As of 2021, not in education in the United States of America was 4.1 %. The top 5 countries also includes Canada, and Mexico.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
United States of America 4.1 WB
Canada 3.71 WB
Mexico 0.33 WB
Education Indicators
Completion Rate 103.07 % in 2021 WB
Duration 6 years in 2022 WB
Educational Attainment 63.7 % in 2020 WB
Enrollment Rate 103.36 % in 2021 WB
Intake Rate Primary Education 6 timeseries
Literacy 95.25 % in 2020 WB + 1 other
Not in Education 0.33 % in 2021 WB
Pupil–Teacher Ratio 25.02 ratio in 2017 WB
School Life Expectancy 9.2 years in 2022 UNDP + 1 other
Starting Age 12 years in 2022 WB