The overweight in Canada

Demographics Age (Percent in 2019)
Old 33.2 UNECE
Adult 25.4 UNECE
Youth 14.6 UNECE
Gender (Percent in 2019)
Male 37.7 UNECE
Female 25.4 UNECE
North America (Percent)
Canada 25.4 in 2019 UNECE
United States of America 24.9 in 2014 UNECE
Risk factors
Injury 5.42 % in 2019 WB + 1 other
Obesity 18.2 Percent in 2019 UNECE
Overweight 25.4 Percent in 2019 UNECE
Smoking 8.7 % in 2021 OECD + 1 other