The production of berries in South America

Agriculture Crops Fruits (t in 2022)
Citrus Fruits 29,265,567.54 FAO
Melons 1,101,278.67 FAO
Cashewapple 1,085,733.67 FAO + 1 other
Agriculture Crops Fruits Berries
Blueberries 415,096.15 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Cherries 455,567.39 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Cranberries 128,054 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Currants 44.56 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Grapes 6,901,550.94 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Raspberries 11,775.33 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Sour cherries 1,964.23 t in 2022 FAO
Strawberries 469,624.5 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other