The labor force participation rate in Tajikistan

Demographics Age (% in 2023)
Adult 41.29 WB
Youth 24.99 WB
Gender (% in 2023)
Male 28.88 WB
Female 20.92 WB
Asia (% in 2023)

Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the top country by labor force participation rate among 21 countries. As of 2023, labor force participation rate in Democratic People's Republic of Korea was 71.79 %. The top 5 countries also includes Japan, Azerbaijan, China, and Maldives.

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Democratic People's Republic of Korea 71.79 WB
Japan 51.16 WB
Azerbaijan 46.27 WB
China 44.86 WB
Maldives 39.75 WB
Kazakhstan 38.56 WB
Armenia 36.71 WB
Turkmenistan 35.84 WB
Kyrgyzstan 32.05 WB
Republic of Korea 31.4 WB
Georgia 28.1 WB
Bhutan 27.37 WB
Mongolia 26.93 WB
Bangladesh 25.51 WB
Uzbekistan 24.71 WB
Pakistan 21.81 WB
Sri Lanka 21.33 WB
Nepal 21.18 WB
Tajikistan 20.92 WB
India 15.61 WB
Afghanistan 6.53 WB
Average Working Hours 13.1 Hours Per Week in 2005 WB
Employment 43.52 % in 2022 WB + 1 other
Employment Rate 38.44 % in 2023 WB
Labor Force 38.35 % in 2023 WB + 1 other
Labor Force Participation Rate 20.92 % in 2023 WB
Underemployment 2.4 % in 2016 WB
Unemployment 6.9 % in 2023 WB + 2 others
Youth Unemployment 11.4 in 2016 UNECE