Immunization in Tonga

Demographics Age
Children 99 % in 2022 WB
Demographics Age Exact Age
Age 1 Hepatitis B 99 % in 2022 WB
Oceania (% in 2022)

Fiji is the top country by immunization among 14 countries. As of 2022, immunization in Fiji was 99 %. The top 5 countries also includes Tonga, Nauru, Australia, and Palau.

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Fiji 99 WB
Tonga 99 WB
Nauru 98 WB
Australia 94 WB
Palau 94 WB
Kiribati 91 WB
Tuvalu 91 WB
New Zealand 89 WB
Solomon Islands 89 WB
Marshall Islands 86 WB
Samoa 76 WB
Micronesia (Federated States of) 69 WB
Vanuatu 68 WB
Papua New Guinea 36 WB