Education Levels by Estimate Type (Value) | Education Levels by Estimate Type (%) | Estimate Types by Education Level (Value) | Estimate Types by Education Level (%)

Present dashboard is aimed at providing comprehensive visual analysis of the dataset developed on the basis of the research "Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050" (Samir KC et al., 2010) ( The full dataset is available through the link below.
The four categories of educational attainment are based on International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997). They are: no education (E1) - no formal education or less than one year primary; primary (E2) - uncompleted primary, completed primary (ISCED 1), and uncompleted lower secondary; secondary (E3) - completed lower secondary (ISCED 2), uncompleted and completed higher secondary (ISCED 3/4), and uncompleted tertiary education; tertiary (E4) - completed tertiary education (ISCED 5/6).
Education scenarios illustrate different situations resulting from various policy environments and trends of global human capital. Constant enrollment number (CEN) is a worst-case variant, which assumes that the number of population groups by gender transiting from one education level to another remains constant over time. Constant enrollment ratio (CER) scenario is similar to the previous one but instead of constant number of population groups it assumes constant proportion of population groups by gender. In the global education trend (GET) scenario future development of a country's education level is based on historical global trend. The fast-track (FT) scenario, which is, in contrast to CEN, an optimistic one, assumes that countries accelerate rate of growth of educational development if they do not meet certain stated targets in attainment by certain years.

Source: Reconstruction and Projection of Populations by Age, Sex and Level of Educational Attainment, 1970-2050


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