Steady improvement in the global macroeconomic conditions, rising world GDP, and subsequent rise in consumer demand have contributed positively to the global automotive industry in general and the passenger car market in particular. Global sales of passenger cars are projected to reach 79.7 million units by 2020. The article provides an overview of the major players in the global passenger car market, the geographical distribution of its sales and production, and the recent trends in global passenger car market.
The global passenger car market, which is part of the automotive industry, offers small, medium, large, and premium segments. Car manufacturing is a complex and concentrated business. The technical know-how, design, and manufacturing capability to build a car is shared by only a handful of countries in the world. The top 15 car manufacturing countries meet 88% of the world’s demand for passenger cars.

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The Automotive Data Brief reviews the most recent data to present an overall picture of the automotive sector. You can find information relating to vehicle production and sales as well as statistics about fuel prices, vehicle stocks, and the electric-vehicle market.

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