
  • Capital:Neuquén
  • Governor:Omar Gutierrez
  • Population, Persons:565,242 (2010)
  • Land Area, Sq. Km:94,078 (2012)
  • Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:5.9 (2010)
  • Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1'000 Population:19.57 (2011)
  • Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 1'000 Population:4.92 (2011)
  • Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:2.11 (2012)
  • Official Web-Site of the Region
  • Sex Ratio, Males per 100 Females:98.5 (2001)
  • Crime Rate, Crimes per 1'000 Inhabitants:613.0 (2008)
  • Hospital Beds per 1'000 Population, Number:2.25 (2001)
  • Infant Mortality, Deaths per 1'000 Live Births:6.90 (2012)
  • Life Expectancy at Birth, Years:75.24 (2001)
  • Illiteracy Rate, %:2.30 (2010)
  • R&D Expenditure, Thousand $:70,906 (2010)
  • Employment Rate (Urban Areas), %:36.9 (2003)
  • Export Value, Thousand $:283,247 (2012)

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