
  • President:Alar Karis
  • Prime Minister:Kristen Michal
  • Capital city:Tallinn
  • Languages:Estonian (official) 68.5%, Russian 29.6%, Ukrainian 0.6%, other 1.2%, unspecified 0.1% (2011 est.)
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:1,321,007 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:42,750
  • GDP per capita, US$:29,824 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:40.7 (2023)
  • GINI index:31.8 (2021)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:18

All datasets: G N O P W
  • G
    • September 2017
      Source: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 14 November, 2017
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      The Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 (GBD 2015), coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), estimated the burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors at the global, regional, national, territorial, and, for a subset of countries, subnational level. As part of this study, estimates for obesity and overweight prevalence and the disease burden attributable to high body mass index (BMI) were produced by sex, age group, and year for 195 countries and territories. Estimates for high BMI-attributable deaths, DALYs, and other measures (1990-2015) are available from the GBD Results Tool. Files available in this record include obesity and overweight prevalence estimates for 1980-2015. Study results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine in June 2017 in "Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries over 25 Years."
    • September 2017
      Source: World Health Organization
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 29 June, 2020
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  • N
    • July 2024
      Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 14 July, 2024
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      Non-medical determinants of health: Unhealthy lifestyles and poor environments cause millions of people to die prematurely. Smoking, harmful alcohol use, physical inactivity and obesity are the root cause of many chronic conditions. This dataset presents the latest data for tobacco consumption (including daily smokers by age and sex), vaping (by age and sex), alcohol consumption, fruits and vegetables consumption, as well as measured and self-reported data on overweight and obesity.
  • O
    • May 2013
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 December, 2015
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among MS the health status, lifestyle (health determinants) and health care services use of the EU citizens. The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) was developed between 2003 and 2006, during a process in which all the EU Member States (MS) were largely involved. It consists of four modules on health status, health care, health determinants, and background variables. Those modules may be implemented at the national level either as one specific survey or as elements of existing surveys (i.e. national health interview survey, labour force survey, other household surveys). The final version of the questionnaire for the first wave of EHIS was adopted by the MS at the Working Group on Public Health Statistics in November 2006. The survey contained around 130 questions split among the four modules covering the following topics: Background variables on demography and socio-economic status Health status: Minimum European Health Module (MEHM): self-perceived health, chronic health problems and activity limitationDisease specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesWork-related health problemsHealth related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsActivities of daily living (ADL - feeding, bathing, etc.) and help receivedInstrumental activities of daily living (IADL - preparing meals, shopping, etc.) and help receivedPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being) Health care: Hospitalisation (inpatient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsUnmet needs for hospitalization and for consultation with a specialistVisits to specific non-medical health professionalsVisits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitionersUse of home care and home help servicesSatisfaction with services provided by health care providersUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Health care preventive actions (influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test, blood tests, etc.)Out-of-pocket payments for medical care (self-completion form) Health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activityConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceEnvironnent (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure, social support)Smoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smoke (self-completion form)Alcohol consumption (self-completion form)Illicit drug use (self-completion form). The first wave of the EHIS was implemented during the period 2006-2009 under a gentlemen's agreement. Nineteen countries have carried out it: 2006: AT, EE2007: SI, CH2008: BE, BG, CZ, CY, FR, LV, MT, RO, TR2009: DE, EL, ES, HU, PL, SK. Germany provided aggregated data and for breakdowns with a strata size less than 20, the values were marked as confidential (flag ~c). No data have been received for Switzerland. In total, 26 indicators based on DG SANCO and DG EMPL needs and covering health status, health determinants and health care are disseminated on Eurostat website. For more information on indicators see document EHIS indicators guidelines.   The indicators present distribution percentages and are calculated with different breakdown according to the indicator: sex, age group (10-years intervals, 15 – 24, 25 – 34, …, 75 – 84, 85 or over) and educational attainment levels (ISCED0-2, ISCED3-4, ISCED5-6);sex, age group (18-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75 or over) and income quintiles. For example: 4.5 % of Latvian women aged 25-34 are obese (BMI is equal or greater than 30). Records with missing values on age and sex were excluded from the calculation of indicators.   Most of the indicators are worked out for the population aged 15 or over. Nevertheless, for some specific indicators, frequencies are calculated on different populations: the Body Mass Index (BMI) (tables hlth_ehis_de1 and hlth_ehis_de2) is calculated for adults only (18+);the self-reported prevalence of high blood pressure (table hlth_ehis_st1) is computed for people aged 25+;the self-reported vaccination against influenza (table hlth_ehis_hc1) is computed for people aged 65+;the self-reported breast examination by X-ray (table hlth_ehis_hc2) is computed for women aged 50-69;the self-reported cervical smear test (table hlth_ehis_hc3) is computed for women aged 20-69;the self-reported colorectal cancer screening test (table hlth_ehis_hc4) is computed for people aged 50-74.
    • May 2013
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 December, 2015
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      The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among MS the health status, lifestyle (health determinants) and health care services use of the EU citizens. The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) was developed between 2003 and 2006, during a process in which all the EU Member States (MS) were largely involved. It consists of four modules on health status, health care, health determinants, and background variables. Those modules may be implemented at the national level either as one specific survey or as elements of existing surveys (i.e. national health interview survey, labour force survey, other household surveys). The final version of the questionnaire for the first wave of EHIS was adopted by the MS at the Working Group on Public Health Statistics in November 2006. The survey contained around 130 questions split among the four modules covering the following topics: Background variables on demography and socio-economic status Health status: Minimum European Health Module (MEHM): self-perceived health, chronic health problems and activity limitationDisease specific morbidityAccidents and injuriesWork-related health problemsHealth related absenteeism from workPhysical and sensory functional limitationsActivities of daily living (ADL - feeding, bathing, etc.) and help receivedInstrumental activities of daily living (IADL - preparing meals, shopping, etc.) and help receivedPainAspect of mental health (psychological distress and mental well-being) Health care: Hospitalisation (inpatient and day care)Consultations with doctors and dentistsUnmet needs for hospitalization and for consultation with a specialistVisits to specific non-medical health professionalsVisits to specific categories of alternative medicine practitionersUse of home care and home help servicesSatisfaction with services provided by health care providersUse of medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed)Health care preventive actions (influenza vaccination, breast examination, cervical smear test, blood tests, etc.)Out-of-pocket payments for medical care (self-completion form) Health determinants: Height and weightPhysical activityConsumption of fruits, vegetables and juiceEnvironnent (home and workplace exposures, criminality exposure, social support)Smoking behaviour and exposure to tobacco smoke (self-completion form)Alcohol consumption (self-completion form)Illicit drug use (self-completion form). The first wave of the EHIS was implemented during the period 2006-2009 under a gentlemen's agreement. Nineteen countries have carried out it: 2006: AT, EE2007: SI, CH2008: BE, BG, CZ, CY, FR, LV, MT, RO, TR2009: DE, EL, ES, HU, PL, SK. Germany provided aggregated data and for breakdowns with a strata size less than 20, the values were marked as confidential (flag ~c). No data have been received for Switzerland. In total, 26 indicators based on DG SANCO and DG EMPL needs and covering health status, health determinants and health care are disseminated on Eurostat website. For more information on indicators see document EHIS indicators guidelines.   The indicators present distribution percentages and are calculated with different breakdown according to the indicator: sex, age group (10-years intervals, 15 – 24, 25 – 34, …, 75 – 84, 85 or over) and educational attainment levels (ISCED0-2, ISCED3-4, ISCED5-6);sex, age group (18-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75 or over) and income quintiles. For example: 4.5 % of Latvian women aged 25-34 are obese (BMI is equal or greater than 30). Records with missing values on age and sex were excluded from the calculation of indicators.   Most of the indicators are worked out for the population aged 15 or over. Nevertheless, for some specific indicators, frequencies are calculated on different populations: the Body Mass Index (BMI) (tables hlth_ehis_de1 and hlth_ehis_de2) is calculated for adults only (18+);the self-reported prevalence of high blood pressure (table hlth_ehis_st1) is computed for people aged 25+;the self-reported vaccination against influenza (table hlth_ehis_hc1) is computed for people aged 65+;the self-reported breast examination by X-ray (table hlth_ehis_hc2) is computed for women aged 50-69;the self-reported cervical smear test (table hlth_ehis_hc3) is computed for women aged 20-69;the self-reported colorectal cancer screening test (table hlth_ehis_hc4) is computed for people aged 50-74.
    • August 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 24 August, 2024
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      The indicator measures the share of obese people based on their body mass index (BMI). BMI is defined as the weight in kilos divided by the square of the height in meters. People aged 18 years or over are considered obese with a BMI equal or greater than 30. Other categories are: underweight (BMI less than 18.5), normal weight (BMI between 18.5 and less than 25), and pre-obese (BMI between 25 and less than 30). The category overweight (BMI equal or greater than 25) combines the two categories pre-obese and obese.
  • P
    • May 2023
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 24 May, 2023
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      Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources. Definition: Body Mass Index (BMI) is the international standard for measuring underweight, overweight, and obesity and is defined as the weight of a person (in kg) divided by the square of the person’s height (in metres): kg/sqm. Standard BMI categories are: BMI less than 18.5 kg/sqm = underweight. BMI between 25 and 30 kg/sqm = overweight. BMI 30kg/sqm and more = obesity. General note: Percentage .. - data not available Country: Armenia 2005: Data refer to population aged 15-49 and age groups: 20-44 refers to 20-29, 45-64 refers to 30-39 and 65+ refers to 40-49. Country: Austria Break in methodlogy (2006): Data for 2006 come from the Autrian Health Interview Survey, before 2006 from the Labour force Survey ad hoc module on smoking habits. Country: Austria Change in definition (1990): Data refer to population aged 20+. Country: Austria Change in definition (2000): Data refer to population aged 20+ Country: Austria Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1991. Country: Austria Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999. Country: Belarus Data refer to population aged 16+. Country: Belgium 15-19 age group refers to 18-19 years old Country: Bulgaria Break in methodlogy (2008): 2008 data come from the European Health Interview Survey and 2001 from the Demographic and Health survey. Country: Canada Data exclude institutional residents and full-time members of the Canadian Forces. Country: Canada Data exclude residents of Indian Reserves, Crown Lands and certain remote regions. Country: Croatia Change in definition (2003): Data refer to population aged 18+. Country: Cyprus Data cover only government controlled area. Country: Czechia 1990, 1995 and 2000: data refer to 1993, 1996 and 1999. Country: Denmark Data refer to population aged 16+ and age group 15-19 refers to 16-19. Country: Denmark Data collection mode changed from face-to-face interview to self-administered questionnaires in 2010. Country: Denmark Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1987. Country: Denmark Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1994. Country: Estonia Data refer to population aged 16-64. Country: Estonia Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996 Country: Finland Data refer to population aged 15-64. Age group 65+ refers to 65-84 year olds. Country: France BMI is calculated on the basis of the declared weight of respondents. Country: France Reference area: 2003, 2014 - Metropolitan France; 2008 - Metropolitan France and overseas departments. Country: Germany Data refer to population aged 18+. 2000: data refer to 1999. Country: Hungary Data refer to population aged 18+. Country: Iceland Data refer to population aged 20-80 except in 2007 and 2012 where data refer to population aged 18-79. Data are not published for the age group 18-24 (15-24) as figures are too small. Country: Ireland Data refer to population aged 18+. Age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. - 2000: data refer to 1998. From 2015, data refer to population aged 15 and over and are measured data. Individuals interviewed in the Health Ireland survey 2015 survey were asked to undertake a physical measurement module. Country: Israel Break in methodlogy (2010): For 2010 data come from the Social Survey while for 2003 data come from the Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) Survey. Country: Israel Change in definition (2003): Data refer to population aged 21+. Country: Israel Change in definition (2010): Data refer to population aged 20+. Country: Italy Change in definition (1990 - 2012): Data refer to population aged 18+. Country: Italy Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1994. Country: Italy Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1999/2000. Country: Latvia Data for 2003 - from the Health Interview Survey. Data cover population 15-75 years old.Data for 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2012 - from Health Behaviour Survey among Latvian Adult population. Data cover population 15-64 years old.Data for 2008 and 2014 - from the European Health iInterview Survey (EHIS). Data cover population 15+, age groups: 15-19 refers to 15-24; 20-44 refers to 25-44. Country: Malta Data refer to population aged 18+ residing in private households. 2003: data for age group 15 - 24 are not available due to under-representation. Country: Netherlands Data refer to population aged 20 and over. Overweight: BMI 25 kg/sqm or more. In 2014, interviewing and weighting method was changed, causing a break in the time series. Country: Netherlands Reference period (1980): Data refer to 1981. Country: Norway Change in definition (1995 onward): Data refer to population 16 years +. Data on height and weight are self-reported. Country: Norway Reference period (2000): Data refer to 1998. Country: Poland Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996. Country: Portugal Data for age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. 2000: data cover mainland territory (without Autonomous Regions of Acores and Madeira) and refers to 1998-1999. 2005: data refers to 2005-2006 (all territory). 2014: data with a coefficient of variation of 20% or more are not disseminated. Body Mass Index is reported for persons 18+ years. Country: Russian Federation Data refer to age groups 14-18 and 19-44 instead of 15-19 and 20-44 Country: Slovakia Until 2009, data refer to population aged up to 64. In 2009 and 2014 some values are not shown due to low sample sizes. Country: Slovakia Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1993. Country: Slovakia Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1998. Country: Slovakia Territorial change (1990): Data cover 2 districts (Banska Bystrica and Brezno) Country: Slovakia Territorial change (1995): Data cover 3 districts (Banska Bystrica, Brezno and Trebisov) Country: Slovakia Territorial change (2003): Data cover 9 districts (Banska Bystrica, Brezno, Trebisov, Dunajska Streda, Dolny Kubin, Nove Zamky, Bratislava II, Kosice II and Roznava). Country: Slovenia Break in methodlogy (2007): Data for 2007 comes from the European Health Interview Survey, for other years from the Countrywide Integrated Noncommunicable Disease Intervention survey Country: Slovenia Change in definition (2001 - 2004): Data for population aged 25-64. Country: Slovenia Change in definition (2008 - 2012): Data for population aged 25-74. Country: Spain Break in methodlogy (2003): Proxy were allowed Country: Spain Change in definition (2001): Data refer to Spanish nationals only aged 16+. Country: Spain Change in definition (2006): Age group 15-19 refers to 18-44. Country: Spain Change in definition (2009 onward): Age group 15-24 refers to 16-24. For population aged 16-17 overweight and obesity cut offs are defined according to Cole et al. BMJ 2000;320:1240-3, and underweight cut offs according to Cole et al. BMJ 2007;335:194-7. Country: Sweden Change in definition (1980 - 2001): Obesity: BMI>30 kg/sqm. Data refer to population aged 16-84; data for age group 65+ refers to 65-84. Country: Sweden Change in definition (2002 - 2010): Obesity: BMI>30 kg/sqm. Data refer to population aged 16+, data for age group 15-19 refers to 16-19. Country: Sweden Change in definition (2011 - onwards): Data refer to population aged 16+, data for age group 15-19 refers to 16-19. Country: Sweden Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1989 Country: Sweden Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1996 Country: Switzerland Reference period (1990): Data refer to 1992. Country: Switzerland Reference period (1995): Data refer to 1997. Country: Ukraine From 2014 data cover the territories under the government control. Country: Ukraine Change in definition (2006 onwards): Age group 15-19 refers to 18-19. Age group 65+ refers to 70+. Country: Ukraine Territorial change (2006 onwards): The territorial sample exclude localities in the territory which was radioactively contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster . Country: United Kingdom Change in definition (1995 - onwards): Data collected from 16 years of age rather than 15. Country: United Kingdom Territorial change (1995 - onwards): Data cover England only. Country: United States For 1980 and 1990 data refer to 1976-1980 and 1988-1994 respectively. Since 2000, data for the reference year refer to the range of this year and the previous one.
  • W