Estonia - Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP as a share of GDP

15.7 (%) in 2019

Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) of Estonia grew by 2.93% from 15.2 % in 2018 to 15.7 % in 2019. Since the 0.75% dip in 2017, contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP) climb by 1.62% in 2019.

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What is contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP)?

The share of Travel & Tourism spending or employment in the equivalent economy-wide concept in the published national income accounts or labour market statistics. Visitor exports are compared with exports of all goods and services Domestic Travel & Tourism spending is compared with GDP Government individual Travel & Tourism spending is compared with total government spending Internal Travel & Tourism consumption is compared with total internal consumption (i.e. total domestic spending plus total export) Leisure Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Business Travel & Tourism contribution to GDP is compared with total GDP Travel & Tourism capital investment spending is compared with all fixed investment spending

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What is Estonia contribution of travel and tourism to GDP (% of GDP)?