
  • Capital:Tepic
  • Governor:Roberto Sandoval Castañeda
  • Area in,815 (2015)
  • Population, persons:1,181,050 (2015)
  • Population Density, persons per (2015)
  • Life expectancy at birth:74.5 (2013)
  • Total fertility rate:2.20 (2013)
  • Number of Births:25,731 (2012)
  • Number of Deaths:6,089 (2012)
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Medical Staff, persons:2,466 (2011)
  • Population with primary education, 5 years and older :347,846 (2010)
  • Economically active population:533,261 (2013)
  • GDP at constant price 2008 (mln. US$):81,138 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Primary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):6,786 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Secondary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):16,656 (2012)
  • Sales value of electricity (thousands of dollars):2,055,942 (2011)
  • Total harvested area (hectares):385,621 (2011)
  • Total sown area (hectares):402,677 (2011)


All datasets: G W
  • G
    • February 2024
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 20 February, 2024
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      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_gpgr2wt The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represents the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. From reference year 2006 onwards, the new GPG data is based on the methodology of the Structure of Earnings Survey (COUNCIL REGULATION EC No 530/1999 of 9 March 1999 concerning structural statistics on earnings and on labour costs) which is carried out every four years. The most recent available data refers to reference years 2002, 2006 and 2010. Whereas the GPG figures for 2006 and 2010 are directly computed from the 4-yearly SES, for the intermediate years countries provide annual estimates which every 4 years are revised, benchmarked on the SES results in the two respective years. Some countries calculate the annual GPG on a yearly SES and hence their data needs no further adjustment or revisions as the majority of the others. Data are broken down by economic activity (NACE: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community), form of economic and financial control (public/private) of the enterprise, working profile (full-time / part-time) and age classes (six age groups) of employees.
    • August 2013
      Source: Eurostat
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 12 December, 2015
      Select Dataset
      Eurostat Dataset Id:earn_gr_hgpg The gender pay gap is given as the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees and of female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees. The gender pay gap is based on several data sources, including the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and national sources.
  • W
    • October 2020
      Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 05 January, 2021
      Select Dataset
      World's Women 2020: Trends and Statistics. Themes: Power and decision making: Power in the private sector