Nicaragua - Poverty gap at $3.2 a day based on purchasing-power-parity

3.5 (%) in 2014

In 2014, poverty gap at $3.2 a day for Nicaragua was 3.5 %. Between 1998 and 2014, poverty gap at $3.2 a day of Nicaragua was declining at a moderating rate to shrink from 20.9 % in 1998 to 3.5 % in 2014.

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What is poverty gap at $3.2 a day?

Poverty gap at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) is the mean shortfall in income or consumption from the poverty line $3.20 a day (counting the nonpoor as having zero shortfall), expressed as a percentage of the poverty line. This measure reflects the depth of poverty as well as its incidence.

What is Nicaragua poverty gap at $3.2 a day?