
  • President:Aleksandar Vucic
  • Prime Minister:Miloš Vučević
  • Capital city:Belgrade
  • Languages:Serbian (official) 88.1%, Hungarian 3.4%, Bosnian 1.9%, Romany 1.4%, other 3.4%, undeclared or unknown 1.8% note: Serbian, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, Croatian, and Rusyn are official in Vojvodina (2011 est.)
  • Government
  • National statistics office
  • Population, persons:7,117,013 (2024)
  • Area, sq km:84,090
  • GDP per capita, US$:11,361 (2023)
  • GDP, billion current US$:75.2 (2023)
  • GINI index:33.1 (2021)
  • Ease of Doing Business rank:44

All datasets: B H
  • B
    • September 2021
      Source: Times Higher Education
      Uploaded by: Dinesh Kumar Gouducheruvu
      Accessed On: 10 November, 2021
      Select Dataset
      The Times Higher Education Emerging Economies University Rankings 2018 includes only institutions in countries classified by the FTSE as “advanced emerging”, “secondary emerging” or “frontier”.   its fifth year, the 2018 ranking parts with the 'BRICS' acronym in the title to recognize the strength and potential of a diverse range of emerging economies. The rankings use the same 13 performance indicators as the THE World University Rankings to judge institutions on their teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. But they are recalibrated to reflect the development priorities of universities in emerging economies. The performance indicators are grouped into five areas: 1. Teaching (the learning environment) 2. Research (volume, income and reputation) 3. Citations (research influence) 4. International outlook (staff, students and research) 5. Industry income ( knowledge transfer) Note: The ranking of institutions, after 200, have been given in range like 201-250 and 251-300.   The rank has been taken as 201, 202, 203 ……. 250 as the same order as they appear in the source.
  • H
    • November 2022
      Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 01 November, 2022
      Select Dataset
      Source: UNECE Statistical Database, compiled from national official sources Definition: A university is an institution of higher education providing facilities for learning (and usually research) and authorised to grant academic degrees. Their main focus should be on ISCED 1997 level 5A or ISCED 2011 levels 6 and 7 programmes. .. - data not available Country: Albania Change in definition (2012): Data refers to personel only in public University Country: Cyprus Reference period (2008): data refer to 2009 Country: Cyprus Territorial change (1990 onward): Government controlled area only. Country: Denmark Reference period (2011): Data refer to January 2012. Country: Georgia Change in definition (2000 onward): Data refer to institutions accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science. Country: Georgia Territorial change (2000 onward): Data do not cover Abkhazia AR and Tskhinvali Region. Country: Latvia Reference period (2008): Data refer to 2009. Country: Moldova, Republic of Additional information (1995 onward): Data exclude the territory of the Transnistria and municipality of Bender Country: Portugal Additional information (2013): The changes relate to the merger of two public universities located in Lisbon, thus passing from 16 to 15 members. Country: Slovakia 2015 data refer to 20 November 2015. Country: Slovenia Break in methodology (2012): The number includes heads of all public and private higher education institutions. Country: Spain Break in methodlogy (2013): The data are provided to the Women& 39;s Institute in 2014 by the Rector& 39;s Conference of the Spanish Universities Country: Switzerland Break in methodlogy (2008): Data before 2008 refers to universityies only . As of 2008 data include universities and universities of applied sciences that cover the entire ISCED-97, level 5A/ISCED-11, level 7.