National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria

National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria mission is to generate, on a continuous and sustainable basis, socio-economic statistics on all facets of development in Nigeria. NBS Vision is to become one of the foremost and modern knowledge-based national statistical offices in Africa and indeed the world.

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    • April 2020
      Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 08 July, 2020
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      At the national level the total household expenditure on food and non-food for 2019 was N40,207,388,459,367 (N21,620,601,543,613.90 in 2009/10). Of this total, 56.65% (60.2% in 2009/10) of total household expenditure in 2019 was spent on food with the balance of about 43.35% (39.8 % in 2009/10) spent on non-food items. Food consumed outside the home, followed by transportation costs and starchy roots, tubers and plantains were responsible for the largest proportion of household expenditure representing a combined 24.16 percent of total household expenditure in 2019.
    • August 2021
      Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
      Uploaded by: Knoema
      Accessed On: 19 September, 2021
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