The production of anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Afghanistan

17,883.38 t in 2022

Though Afghanistan production anise and badian and fennel and сoriander fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1973 - 2022 period ending at 17,883.38 t in 2022.

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World Production anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Asia
India 1,886,507.99 t in 2022 FAO
China 52,153.96 t in 2022 FAO
Bhutan 140 t in 2022 FAO
Bangladesh t in 2022 FAO
Georgia t in 2022 FAO
Agriculture indicators of anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Afghanistan
Area 25,403 Ha in 2022 FAO
Yield 7,040 100 g/ha in 2022 FAO
Production of crops in Afghanistan
Olives 8,202 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO
Sugar Cane 2,603 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO
Sugar Beet 283 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO