Production anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Romania

4,079 t in 2017

Though Romania production anise and badian and fennel and сoriander fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1968 - 2017 period ending at 4,079 t in 2017.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
World The production of anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Europe
Russian Federation 48,488 t in 2017 FAO
Bulgaria 23,712 t in 2017 FAO
Spain 6,860 t in 2017 FAO
Lithuania 4,494 t in 2017 FAO
Hungary 4,005.83 t in 2017 FAO
Ukraine 2,500 t in 2017 FAO
North Macedonia 1,400 t in 2017 FAO
Serbia 929.97 t in 2017 FAO
Greece 805.87 t in 2017 FAO
Agriculture indicators of anise and badian and fennel and сoriander in Romania
Area 3,168 Ha in 2017 FAO
Yield 12,876 100 g/ha in 2017 FAO
The production of spices in Romania
Chillies and Peppers, Green 226,459 t in 2017 FAO
Chillies and Peppers, Dry 50,037.78 t in 2017 FAO
Production of crops in Romania
Sorghum 84,982 1000 SLC in 2017 FAO
Sugar Beet 46,879 1000 USD in 2017 FAO
Triticale 64,340 1000 Int$ in 2017 FAO