Mauritius - Budgetary - Local Currency

Government Finance (Domestic Currency)
Government Expenditure 146,499.5 in 2022 IMF
Government Revenue 131,686.2 in 2022 IMF
Investment in Nonfinancial Assets 8,026.7 in 2022 IMF
Net Incurrence of Liabilities 7,764.2 in 2022 IMF
Consumption of fixed capital 0 in 2008 IMF
Operating Balance -14,813.3 in 2022 IMF
Net Acquisition of Financial Assets -15,075.9 in 2022 IMF
Budget Deficit -22,840 in 2022 IMF
Government Finance Government Expenditure (Domestic Currency in 2022)
Compensation of Employees 39,433 IMF
Social Benefits 37,704.4 IMF
Interest Payments 13,250.1 IMF
Goods and Services Expense 12,665.2 IMF
Government Finance Government Expenditure Subsidies and Other Transfers (Domestic Currency in 2022)
Grants Expense 37,704.1 IMF
Subsidies 1,814.6 IMF
Government Finance Government Revenue (Domestic Currency in 2022)
Tax Revenue 107,721 IMF
Social Contributions 8,348.3 IMF
Government Finance Government Revenue Grants and Other Revenue
Grants Revenue 2,830.4 Domestic Currency in 2022 IMF
Measure Operating Balance (Domestic Currency)
Net -2,368.7 in 2008 IMF
Gross -14,813.3 in 2022 IMF
Africa (Domestic Currency)
Liberia 206,856.17 in 2013 IMF
Mozambique 194,446.9 in 2022 IMF
Morocco 147,755 in 2022 IMF
Central African Republic 81,207.14 in 2021 IMF
Ethiopia 66,398.56 in 2022 IMF
Ghana 39,434.13 in 2022 IMF
Mauritius 39,433 in 2022 IMF
Botswana 31,777.09 in 2022 IMF
Namibia 31,472.07 in 2022 IMF
Zambia 31,085.85 in 2021 IMF
Cabo Verde 21,700.58 in 2020 IMF
Tunisia 8,616.7 in 2012 IMF
Eswatini 8,228.64 in 2021 IMF
Lesotho 6,921.17 in 2022 IMF
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6,577.96 in 2022 IMF
United Republic of Tanzania 5,366.38 in 2023 IMF
Uganda 3,799.11 in 2022 IMF
Madagascar 3,389.96 in 2022 IMF
Seychelles 3,039.61 in 2020 IMF
Gambia 2,987.47 in 2018 IMF
Zimbabwe 2,796.11 in 2018 IMF
Sierra Leone 2,056.69 in 2018 IMF
Angola 1,999.14 in 2019 IMF
Côte d'Ivoire 1,829.21 in 2022 IMF
Algeria 1,733.36 in 2011 IMF
Nigeria 1,721.3 in 2013 IMF
Senegal 1,162.4 in 2022 IMF
Sao Tome and Principe 1,153.86 in 2022 IMF
Burkina Faso 936.82 in 2022 IMF
Malawi 772.41 in 2022 IMF
Mali 631.06 in 2020 IMF
Kenya 589.96 in 2021 IMF
Burundi 480.99 in 2021 IMF
Congo 343.51 in 2021 IMF
Benin 296.2 in 2013 IMF
Rwanda 266.33 in 2020 IMF
Togo 252.29 in 2022 IMF
Equatorial Guinea 204.65 in 2022 IMF
South Africa 191.62 in 2022 IMF
Egypt 181.31 in 2015 IMF