The imports of precious metals from Japan

Commodities Natural resources Metals
Aluminium 8,447,750.22 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Copper 1,636,394.89 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Gold 603,833.29 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Iron 100 thousand tonnes in 2022 World Steel Association
Lead 78,640.9 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Nickel 1,655,155.59 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Platinum and silver 11,009,325.95 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Steel Indirect 1 timeseries
Tin 810,942.35 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD
Zinc 101,792.08 Thousands of USD in 2022 UNCTAD