Comoros - Generation - Quadrillion BTU

Energy (Quadrillion Btu in 2022)
Nuclear Electricity 0 EIA
Renewable electricity 0 EIA
Energy Renewable electricity (Quadrillion Btu in 2022)
Hydroelectricity 0 EIA
Non-Hydro Renewable Electricity 0 EIA
Energy Renewable electricity Non-Hydro Renewable Electricity (Quadrillion Btu in 2022)
Biomass and Waste Electricity 0 EIA
Geothermal Electricity 0 EIA
Solar Electricity 0 EIA
Solar, Tide and Wave Electricity 0 EIA
Tide and Wave Electricity 0 EIA
Wind Electricity 0 EIA
Africa (Quadrillion Btu in 2022)

Uganda is the top country by generation among 53 countries. As of 2022, generation in Uganda was 0 quadrillion btu that accounts for 13.07% of total generation. The top 5 countries (others are Mauritius, South Africa, Egypt, and Kenya) account for 58.25% of it. The total generation was estimated at 0.01 quadrillion btu in 2022.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Uganda 0 EIA
Mauritius 0 EIA
South Africa 0 EIA
Egypt 0 EIA
Kenya 0 EIA
Eswatini 0 EIA
Mozambique 0 EIA
Senegal 0 EIA
Zimbabwe 0 EIA
Côte d'Ivoire 0 EIA
Zambia 0 EIA
United Republic of Tanzania 0 EIA
Mali 0 EIA
Angola 0 EIA
Malawi 0 EIA
Madagascar 0 EIA
Cameroon 0 EIA
Morocco 0 EIA
Ethiopia 0 EIA
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0 EIA
Nigeria 0 EIA
Ghana 0 EIA
Gabon 0 EIA
Chad 0 EIA
Burundi 0 EIA
Sierra Leone 0 EIA
Togo 0 EIA
Burkina Faso 0 EIA
Rwanda 0 EIA
Algeria 0 EIA
Benin 0 EIA
Botswana 0 EIA
Cabo Verde 0 EIA
Central African Republic 0 EIA
Comoros 0 EIA
Congo 0 EIA
Djibouti 0 EIA
Equatorial Guinea 0 EIA
Eritrea 0 EIA
Gambia 0 EIA
Guinea 0 EIA
Guinea Bissau 0 EIA
Lesotho 0 EIA
Liberia 0 EIA
Libya 0 EIA
Mauritania 0 EIA
Namibia 0 EIA
Niger 0 EIA
Sao Tome and Principe 0 EIA
Seychelles 0 EIA
Somalia 0 EIA
South Sudan 0 EIA
Tunisia 0 EIA