The tax on goods and services in Guinea

4.08 % in 1992

Tax on goods and services of Guinea increased from 3.23 % in 1990 to 4.08 % in 1992 growing at an average annual rate of 13.57%.

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The tax on goods and services in Guinea
Current Prices Local Currency 97.14B current LCU in 1992 WB
Share of Revenue 20.48 % in 1992 WB
The tax on goods and services in Africa
Lesotho 16.86 % in 1992 WB
Burundi 16.45 % in 1992 WB
Morocco 14.16 % in 1992 WB
Zambia 11.28 % in 1992 WB
Namibia 9.7 % in 1992 WB
Tunisia 9.55 % in 1992 WB
Mauritius 8.83 % in 1992 WB
Ghana 8.38 % in 1992 WB
South Africa 7.84 % in 1992 WB
Rwanda 5.5 % in 1992 WB
Government Finance Government Revenue The tax revenue of Guinea
Tax on Exports 36.93 % in 1992 WB
Taxes on International Trade 35.79 % in 1992 WB
Tax on Income, Profits and Capital Gains 10.99 % in 1992 WB
Other Taxes 0.46 % in 1992 WB