Hepatitis b immunization in Lebanon

Demographics Age Exact Age
Age 1 67 % in 2022 WB
Middle East Age 1 (% in 2022)

Iran is the top country by hepatitis b age 1 immunization among 16 countries. As of 2022, hepatitis b age 1 immunization in Iran was 99 %. The top 5 countries also includes Oman, Palestine, Turkey, and Qatar.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Iran 99 WB
Oman 99 WB
Palestine 99 WB
Turkey 99 WB
Qatar 98 WB
Saudi Arabia 98 WB
Bahrain 97 WB
Israel 96 WB
Kuwait 96 WB
United Arab Emirates 95 WB
Cyprus 94 WB
Iraq 93 WB
Jordan 77 WB
Yemen 74 WB
Lebanon 67 WB
Syrian Arab Republic 46 WB