The labor force participation rate in Chile

Demographics Age (% in 2023)
Adult 61.31 WB
Youth 29.93 WB
Gender (% in 2023)
Male 33.64 WB
Female 26.1 WB
South America (% in 2023)

Peru is the top country by labor force participation rate among 12 countries. As of 2023, labor force participation rate in Peru was 49.01 %. The top 5 countries also includes Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Peru 49.01 WB
Brazil 48.55 WB
Paraguay 46.86 WB
Uruguay 41.42 WB
Bolivia 40.01 WB
Colombia 37.47 WB
Guyana 36.36 WB
Ecuador 35.81 WB
Argentina 32.08 WB
Suriname 26.35 WB
Chile 26.1 WB
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 15.96 WB
Average Working Hours 1,962.8 Hours in 2022 OECD + 1 other
Employment 548.02 Thousand persons on Sep 2023 OECD + 3 others
Employment Rate 55.75 % in 2023 WB
Labor Force 42.78 % in 2023 WB + 2 others
Labor Force Participation Rate 26.1 % in 2023 WB
Underemployment 6.36 % in 2020 WB
Unemployment 7.7 Percent of total labor force in 2023 IMF + 7 others
Wage 173.38 Index on Feb 2021 IMF