The intake rate of net primary education in Seychelles

69.82 % in 2018

Though Seychelles the net primary education intake rate fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 2001 - 2018 period ending at 69.82 % in 2018.

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The intake rate of net primary education in Africa
Cabo Verde 97.06 % in 2018 WB
Tunisia 93.7 % in 2018 WB
Algeria 86.76 % in 2018 WB
Malawi 81.89 % in 2018 WB
Morocco 81.07 % in 2018 WB
Rwanda 73.57 % in 2018 WB
Madagascar 70.75 % in 2018 WB
Cameroon 58.31 % in 2018 WB
Burundi 57.62 % in 2018 WB
The net education indicators of primary education in Seychelles
Enrollment Rate 92.86 % in 2018 WB
Seychelles - Intake Rate - Primary Education - Measure
Gross 104.64 % in 2018 WB