According to data prepared by Oxfam International for Annual Meeting in Davos, in 2014 the wealth of 80 world's richest people exceeded total wealth of more than 3 500 000 000 (three and half billion) people belonging to bottom 50% population of the world by incomes. If growing inequality trend, which got a fresh start since 2009, continues, then top 1% of world population will be wealthier than bottom 99% by the end of next year.

For now, 80 richest billionaires have net worth of about 1.9 trillion dollars and the richest in 2014 according to Forbes was Bill Gates, with net worth of $76 billion. Next one is Carlos Slim from Mexico ($72 bln) and the third is Spanish businessman Amancio Ortega ($64 bln).

Select your favourite billionaire from the list on the ranking gadget and see how his worth changed through time

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