The milk production of goats in Afghanistan

118,312.66 t in 2022

Though Afghanistan the milk production of goats fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1973 - 2022 period ending at 118,312.66 t in 2022.

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World The milk production of goats in Asia
India 6,248,338.34 t in 2022 FAO
Pakistan 1,018,000 t in 2022 FAO
Bangladesh 915,180 t in 2022 FAO
China 230,778.9 t in 2022 FAO
Mongolia 169,585.13 t in 2022 FAO
Nepal 141,617.67 t in 2022 FAO
Tajikistan 55,982.65 t in 2022 FAO
Sri Lanka 16,343.8 t in 2022 FAO
Turkmenistan 9,724 t in 2022 FAO
Agriculture indicators of milk goats in Afghanistan
Yield 431 100 g/An in 2022 FAO
Livestock milk production in Afghanistan
Sheep 162,269.88 t in 2022 FAO
Camels 6,774.81 t in 2022 FAO