The production of spices in Asia

Agriculture Crops
Cereals 3 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Cocoa Beans 1,043,681 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Fibre Crops 3,848,200 tonnes in 2019 FAO
Fruits 515,770,210 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Oilcrops 124,778,917 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Olives 5,399,447 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Other Bastfibres 137,537 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Palm Oil 1 timeseries
Pulses 38,220,605 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Pyrethrum,Dried 0 t in 1992 FAO
Rapeseed 24,691,356 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Seed cotton 58,066,976 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Sisal 14,369 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Sorghum 1,795,668 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Sugar Beet 1,781,092 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Sugar Cane 706,898.48 Tonnes, Thousands in 2023 OECD + 2 others
Taro (cocoyam) 2,391,266 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Triticale 137,326 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Vegetables 898,151,797 tonnes in 2020 FAO
Yams 51,726 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Agriculture Crops Spices (tonnes in 2020)
Anise and Badian and Fennel and Сoriander 1,951,387 FAO
Cardamoms Mace Nutmeg 1 timeseries
Chillies and Peppers, Dry 3,014,890 FAO
Chillies and Peppers, Green 23,936,393 FAO
Cinnamon 218,232 FAO
Cloves 141,829 FAO
Ginger 3,386,921 FAO
Mace Cardamoms Nutmeg 1 timeseries
Nutmeg Cardamoms Mace 1 timeseries
Vanilla 3,099 FAO