Meat from cattle slaughtered in Australia

6,114,700 an in 2022

Though Australia meat from slaughtered cattle fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to decrease through 1973 - 2022 period ending at 6.11 million an in 2022.

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World Meat from cattle slaughtered in Oceania
New Zealand 4,593,971 an in 2022 FAO
Papua New Guinea 21,510 an in 2022 FAO
Fiji 17,497 an in 2022 FAO
Vanuatu 9,915 an in 2022 FAO
Samoa 9,412 an in 2022 FAO
Solomon Islands 4,151 an in 2022 FAO
Tonga 1,856 an in 2022 FAO
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1,848 an in 2022 FAO
Agriculture indicators of cattle meat in Australia
Production 1,878,088 t in 2022 FAO
Yield 3,071 100 g/An in 2022 FAO
Meat from livestock slaughtered in Australia
Sheep 28,032,400 an in 2022 FAO
Goats 1,671,611 an in 2022 FAO
Horse 93,934 an in 2022 FAO
Agricultural products from cattle slaughtered in Australia
Hides 6,114,700 an in 2022 FAO