Hg/An - Sheep - Congo - Milk

Africa Yield (100 g/An in 2022)

Rwanda is the top country by yield of sheep milk among 22 countries. As of 2022, yield of sheep milk in Rwanda was 784 100 g/an that accounts for 8.77% of total yield of sheep milk. The top 5 countries (others are Tunisia, Malawi, Guinea Bissau, and Somalia) account for 41.70% of it. The total yield of sheep milk was estimated at 8,941 100 g/an in 2022.

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Rwanda 784 FAO
Tunisia 780 FAO
Malawi 762 FAO
Guinea Bissau 731 FAO
Somalia 671 FAO
Burkina Faso 617 FAO
Guinea 536 FAO
Egypt 440 FAO
Chad 384 FAO
Niger 352 FAO
Morocco 348 FAO
Mauritania 344 FAO
Kenya 310 FAO
Libya 310 FAO
Algeria 287 FAO
Eritrea 248 FAO
South Sudan 215 FAO
Cameroon 204 FAO
Sudan 179 FAO
Senegal 166 FAO
Burundi 153 FAO
Mali 120 FAO
Ethiopia 0 in 1992 FAO