Game meat yield in the World

32,822 100 g/An in 2017

Though World yield of meat in game fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1998 - 2017 period ending at 32,822 100 g/an in 2017.

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Agriculture indicators of the meat game in the World
Production 2,062,986.43 t in 2017 FAO
Slaughtered 628,542 an in 2017 FAO
The yield of livestock meat in the World
Cattle 2,222 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Camels 2,038 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Horse 1,641 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Asses 857 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Sheep 167 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Goats 127 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Macro Region
Europe 1,967 100 g/An in 2017 FAO
Austria 107 100 g/An in 2017 FAO