The production of sorghum in the World

57,581,942.77 t in 2022

Though World the production of sorghum fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to decrease through 1973 - 2022 period ending at 57.6 million t in 2022.

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Alternate Sources
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report (WASDE): World Supply and Use 6.88 million metric tons in 2013 USDA
The production of sorghum in the World
Constant Prices 12,508,589 1000 Int$ in 2022 FAO
Current Prices U.S. Dollars 13,461,773 1000 USD in 2022 FAO
U.S. Dollars Constant Prices 12,650,391 1000 USD in 2022 FAO
Agriculture indicators of sorghum in the World
Area 40,762,472 Ha in 2022 FAO
Consumption 57.65 million metric tons in 2013 USDA
Yield 14,126 100 g/ha in 2022 FAO
Production of crops in the World
Cereals 2,223,144.27 t in 2022 FAO
Cocoa Beans 5,874,581.94 t in 2022 FAO
Fibre Crops 5,602,269 tonnes in 2019 FAO
Fruits 933,036,949.77 t in 2022 FAO
Oilcrops 254,069,031.14 t in 2022 FAO
Olives 21,449,867.5 t in 2022 FAO
Other Bastfibres 224,926.49 t in 2022 FAO
Palm 80,584,556.86 t in 2021 FAO
Pulses 95,989,881.07 t in 2022 FAO
Pyrethrum,Dried 5,049.45 t in 2022 FAO
Rapeseed 87,221,220.62 t in 2022 FAO
Seed cotton 69,668,142.85 t in 2022 FAO
Sisal 213,304.53 t in 2022 FAO
Sugar Beet 260,998,613.64 t in 2022 FAO
Sugar Cane 1.92B t in 2022 FAO
Taro (cocoyam) 17,718,128.9 t in 2022 FAO
Triticale 14,157,880.72 t in 2022 FAO
Vegetables 1.17B t in 2022 FAO
Yams 88,257,159.31 t in 2022 FAO
Yautia (cocoyam) 396,406.96 t in 2022 FAO
Macro Region
Africa 29,565,397.84 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Asia 8,266,164.04 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Central America and the Caribbean 48 timeseries
Europe 724,234.13 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
Middle East 0.19 million metric tons in 2013 USDA
North America 2.03 million metric tons in 2013 USDA
Oceania 2,652,953.79 t in 2022 FAO + 1 other
South America 6,589,803.22 t in 2022 FAO + 2 others
Southeast Asia 0.02 million metric tons in 2013 USDA
Country (t in 2022)

Nigeria is the top country by the production of sorghum in the world. As of 2022, the production of sorghum in Nigeria was 6.81 million t that accounts for 11.82% of the world's the production of sorghum. The top 5 countries (others are Sudan, the United States of America, Mexico, and Ethiopia) account for 44.77% of it. The world's total the production of sorghum was estimated at 57.6 million t in 2022.

The description is composed by our digital data assistant.
Nigeria 6,806,370 FAO + 1 other
Sudan 5,248,000 FAO + 1 other
United States of America 4,769,960 FAO + 1 other
Mexico 4,754,169.1 FAO + 1 other
Ethiopia 4,200,000 FAO + 1 other
India 4,150,570 FAO + 1 other
China 3,184,000 FAO + 1 other
Brazil 2,923,318 FAO + 1 other
Argentina 2,883,301 FAO + 1 other
Australia 2,648,069.32 FAO + 1 other
Niger 2,100,697.29 FAO + 1 other
Burkina Faso 2,013,868.96 FAO + 1 other
Mali 1,603,394 FAO + 1 other
Cameroon 1,200,000 FAO + 1 other
United Republic of Tanzania 1,000,000 FAO + 1 other
Chad 966,571 FAO + 1 other
South Sudan 759,469 FAO + 1 other
Egypt 750,000 FAO + 1 other
Bolivia 595,336.74 FAO + 1 other
Ghana 401,499 FAO + 1 other
Senegal 363,164 FAO + 1 other
Togo 280,809 FAO + 1 other
Yemen 240,000 FAO + 1 other
Uganda 225,000 FAO + 1 other
France 210,940 FAO + 1 other
Italy 197,560 FAO + 1 other
Rwanda 192,427.08 FAO + 1 other
Oman 178,582 FAO + 1 other
Myanmar 171,866.72 FAO + 1 other
Mozambique 149,566 FAO + 1 other
Eritrea 140,000 FAO + 1 other
Russian Federation 127,124.92 FAO + 1 other
Mauritania 124,607 FAO + 1 other
Benin 124,235.65 FAO + 1 other
Saudi Arabia 120,000 FAO + 1 other
Kenya 117,000 FAO + 1 other
Malawi 117,000 FAO + 1 other
Paraguay 109,077.13 FAO + 1 other
South Africa 103,140 FAO + 1 other
Somalia 100,000 FAO + 1 other
El Salvador 90,000 FAO + 1 other
Zimbabwe 87,749.98 FAO + 1 other
Côte d'Ivoire 73,345 FAO + 1 other
Sierra Leone 65,000 FAO + 1 other
Guinea 64,927.85 FAO + 1 other
Nicaragua 63,712.83 FAO + 1 other
Thailand 50,000 FAO + 1 other
Pakistan 48,671 FAO + 1 other
Hungary 47,550 FAO + 1 other
Guatemala 45,000 FAO + 1 other
Ukraine 40,310 FAO + 1 other
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 36,821.6 FAO + 1 other
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 35,669.86 FAO + 1 other
Angola 35,551 FAO + 1 other
Botswana 35,000 FAO + 1 other
Israel 33,487.72 FAO + 1 other
Guinea Bissau 26,742 FAO + 1 other
Austria 26,170 FAO + 1 other
Burundi 25,000 FAO + 1 other
Uruguay 24,027 FAO + 1 other
Belize 20,699 FAO + 1 other
Kazakhstan 18,575.13 FAO + 1 other
Central African Republic 17,913.17 FAO + 1 other
Uzbekistan 16,812.21 FAO + 1 other
Haiti 15,000 FAO + 1 other
Honduras 15,000 FAO + 1 other
Spain 14,970 FAO + 1 other
Zambia 14,842.74 FAO + 1 other
Romania 14,830 FAO + 1 other
Republic of Moldova 13,900 FAO + 1 other
Ecuador 13,646.95 FAO + 1 other
Syrian Arab Republic 10,288 FAO + 1 other
Slovakia 8,420 FAO + 1 other
Serbia 8,193.45 FAO + 1 other
Greece 8,130 FAO + 1 other
Democratic Republic of the Congo 8,000 FAO + 1 other
Bulgaria 6,020 FAO + 1 other
Namibia 5,361.44 FAO + 1 other
Morocco 5,337 FAO + 1 other
Gambia 5,223 FAO + 1 other
Panama 5,000 FAO + 1 other
Papua New Guinea 4,843.44 FAO + 1 other
Cuba 4,624.62 FAO + 1 other
Colombia 4,206.15 FAO + 1 other
Lesotho 4,013 FAO + 1 other
Taiwan Province of China 4,000 FAO + 1 other
Republic of Korea 2,853.57 FAO + 1 other
Iraq 2,511 FAO + 1 other
Madagascar 1,368.83 FAO + 1 other
Tunisia 1,239.82 FAO + 1 other
Eswatini 1,000 FAO + 1 other
Algeria 965.04 FAO + 1 other
Jordan 793.3 FAO + 1 other
Philippines 588.85 FAO + 1 other
Lebanon 285.16 FAO + 1 other
Dominican Republic 224.21 FAO + 1 other
Palestine 154.63 FAO + 1 other
Azerbaijan 151.1 FAO + 1 other
Croatia 114 in 2017 FAO + 1 other
Bangladesh 80 FAO + 1 other
Slovenia 80 FAO
Sri Lanka 80 FAO + 1 other
Tajikistan 72.54 FAO + 1 other
Peru 68.64 FAO + 1 other
Maldives 52.26 FAO + 1 other
North Macedonia 35.76 FAO + 1 other
Fiji 24.06 FAO + 1 other
Turkey 17 FAO
Micronesia (Federated States of) 16.96 FAO + 1 other
Kyrgyzstan 2 FAO + 1 other
Albania 0 FAO + 1 other
Costa Rica 0 FAO + 1 other
Cyprus 0 FAO
Czech Republic 0 in 2017 FAO
Estonia 0 FAO
Finland 0 FAO
Ireland 0 FAO
Japan 0 FAO + 1 other
Latvia 0 FAO
Lithuania 0 in 2019 FAO
Luxembourg 0 FAO
Malta 0 FAO
Poland 0 in 2018 FAO
Portugal 0 in 2019 FAO
Sweden 0 FAO
Turkmenistan 0 FAO
United Arab Emirates 0 FAO
Viet Nam 0 FAO
Netherlands 0 tonnes in 2021 FAO